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Barely twenty-four-hours had passed when I leaned against the wall next to the elevator, waiting for Lee to arrive

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Barely twenty-four-hours had passed when I leaned against the wall next to the elevator, waiting for Lee to arrive. Every damn minute of it my mind went back to last night, trying to fetch blurry memories and wipe them clean to get a grasp of what happened. I haven't gotten very far, except getting a clawing headache and a sour-turned mood. There were a few glimpses of him wandering through my room but those gave no intel at all.

Asking him about it was the first plan I threw off the table. There was a small chance nothing happened, and it showed weakness from my side if he found out I blacked out. He could easily use it against me. This brought me to my second plan, and kind of the only one I had left, which was luring Lee out of his shell in hopes he would spill. But the shitty thing was, Lee was like a clam, impossible to open, in other words, way too fucking guarded to just start talking. Especially when it was me he needed to open up to.

The rumble of a V8 bounced off the garage walls before I could see him. Then beams of light came around the corner first, followed up by Lee's black muscle car. The tires squeaked over the polished flooring as he turned into his parking spot. The low drumming of the engine got cut off as Lee stepped out of the car. The sound of the door that slammed shut echoed through the space and before it died down, Lee had found me waiting with crossed arms and ankles, staring back at him.

"Can't you come in through the front like a normal person?" he muttered more to himself than me and pushed the button of the elevator to retrieve it. The metallic doors opened and we stepped in. We took either a side, the railing pressing in our lower back, and it was then that we looked at each other intently.

Lee investigated my face, the white band-aid on my cheek in particular. I looked like that R&B rapper Nelly. The black beanie covering my hair and the white sweats I was wearing wasn't helping to change that image either.

My eyes traveled lower, glued on the corner of his mouth where a blemish of yellow and green stood out in this terrible white lighting. So we both fought.. Typical. And the faintest curl of his lips told me he figured that out too.

"Regretting any life decisions?" Lee dragged his slippered feet to the kitchen to get water and poured himself a glass. He looked through his lashes in wait for my answer but I wasn't sure how to answer that. Silence was enough of an answer for him, and he slid the glass over the marble slate for me to catch, then poured another glass. This guy breathed water. "If you're not going to say anything, then let's move on to the contract we had."

Had. I frowned at his words. So he really thought we were done?

It occurred to me that there hasn't left a single word from my tongue. Lee's presence got me messed up—more than I liked to admit. I was unconsciously tracking down every move he made; how he looked at me, his body language, anything that could tell me something about last night. But like I predicted: he was cold as stone.

I scraped my throat. "What was that bullshit about the contract ending? I remembered it to be until the 18th of March, this upcoming Saturday. Or am I wrong?"

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now