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I hope you enjoy this chapter ♡

My heartbeat was getting out of control

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My heartbeat was getting out of control. I was scared for a second it was going to give up on me—it was that loud, trashing inside my chest and fucking everything up while it was at it. 

The way his weight felt on top of me. The way his scent embraced me. The way his lips felt like they were branding my neck as they ghosted over my skin, trying to catch his breath. The hot air trailed over my collarbone, down to my chest, hardening my nipples. And it lit me on fire.

Oh my god, I was feeling fucking hot.

The euphoric haze evaporated into thin air. Air that smelled of sex, and it was like a slap in the face that I needed to wake the fuck up. 

My wrists were still bound above my head, his sweaty palms holding them down. I broke free of them to shove Lee off me. He rolled to the side, his chest heaving beneath his sweater, with his gaze fixed on the ceiling, like there was something great up there. Lee's face gleamed with sweat, his hair plastered against it, and his neck was covered in red blotches, rising to his ears. 

I wasn't the only one sweating my balls off. Which reminded me...

I tilted my head down and found my cum filling in the ridges of my abs, and my spent cock softening against my stomach. With a newfound energy, I rushed out of bed, quickly tucking my cock back into my underwear, and fast-paced toward the bedroom door. My hand lingered on the doorknob, my back facing Lee. "You can use this bathroom, I'll take the other one," I muttered, and didn't wait for a reply and left.

Cold water washed off the sweat that clung to my body but the memory of what just happened couldn't be simply rinsed off. My loofah, lathered with tropical coconut, rubbed my wrists into a burning red hue but the sting of his nails was tattooed into my fucking skin—and mind—making it impossible to remove.

My forehead pressed against the tiled wall. "Dammit!" The curse got drowned out by the water crashing onto my head and shoulders. My vision was blurred, directed toward my toes touching the gutter, and my thoughts weren't far behind. There was a conflict in my head. One side still happily buzzing from the aftermath Lee helped me reach. And the other side was weirded out because I was in such a happy mood and I wasn't entirely sure what the hell just happened. 

By now, I was prepared for Lee to go down on me, even when his soft lips kept surprising me, but I hadn't anticipated that he would chase his own high. I've thought about it—too much that I was willing to admit. But in my head, it was me returning the favor, not me getting used like some inflatable sex doll.

But fuck this shit, it was such a turn-on! How his hard cock rubbed angrily against mine. The whole thing was fucking hot. The only thing that annoyed me, was that he kept his clothes on. I wanted our sweat to act like glue. Sticking our bodies together. Forcing us to not leave an inch of skin untouched.

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now