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10k! (+500, holy shit!) 🎉 Thank you besties 😭 gonna sob in a corner right now. Extra long chap to celebrate.

To catch Hwang you needed to let go first

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To catch Hwang you needed to let go first. Like a big fish in the ocean, it wasn't always about who was stronger, it was more about who had the longest breath. Giving in tricked the animal into thinking he got what he wanted—that he got away with his caught food.

Giving him enough bait to lure a catch.

Seeing myself as Hwang's main dish wasn't exactly how I imagined my life would be, but here we were. So to get out of the belly of the beast, and not to be completely devoured, I had to lay low.

The first step was tonight. "Chan, you good? It looks like you drank Han's whole stash back there." My best friend looked comically at my sudden outburst. I just flashed him a smile and waited for Hwang to take the bait. When he finally looked my way from his booth, I continued, "You can stay at my place tonight, then I'll treat you to a killer hangover breakfast in the morning."

"What's wrong with you?" Chan mumbled, too soft for anyone but me to hear. "Not that I will ever complain about getting food from you." His arm snaked behind my neck to haul me in. I stumbled against his chest, drowning in his perfume and heat. A tad too much, but it seemed Hwang loved the dramatics, so I just needed to suck it up.

"A sleepover? Can I join, hyung?" The cherry on the fucking perfect cake, Felix mingled into conversation with his grabby hands on my arm. It was enough to witness the glare Hwang was sending our way. He heard the invitation. He knew he couldn't stay over tonight. I could practically hear his molars grind.

Step one was completed. Hwang was getting far too comfortable in my home, my penthouse in particular. And I was sure he would come up with another excuse to stay tonight.

I needed to create space between us, especially after tonight. The bathroom blowie was far more intimate than the first two. It was the initial plan to get Hwang to cave in, but me getting lost as well wasn't a part of it.

I still felt like shit, I wasn't the robotic son everyone proclaimed me to be.

The softness and the warmth of his skin against my lips aroused me. His erratic breathing as I moved up closer motivated me. When it came to sex, I was a passionate lover. I didn't like to have multiple bed partners at a time. Same with throwing a partner away like dirty sheets. There needed to be a connection and I wasn't keen on sudden change.

And I was far more of a pleaser than I maybe liked to admit. To me, a body was something I loved taking my time to explore. A puzzle that consumed me and satisfied me when it cracked under the weight of my body as I solved it.

Which made it very dangerous what I was trying to do with Hwang. Because he showed me he wanted to be explored. He was wilder and more unpredictable than me, letting his emotions decide, and he tried to take me along on that bumpy ride.

𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now