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ALSO- Lauren and Mel are dancers, I tried putting YouTube videos of a channel called "Urban dance camp" but wouldn't let me. please go watch a couple of the videos to imagine what the setting is when there at dance! Let me know if you do! I recommend the people are crazy talented!

I met up with Mel after school and we walked to my place.
"So, anything new today?" I asked.
"No not really- except Emily blusher almost puked when she heard a bird was in the vents." Melany said kicking rocks as she walked. "How about you?"
"Hm? Me oh nothing- just uh.. You know I had work done today."
"What?!" Mel said laughing.
"I meant nothing." I laughed along.
"No- you talked to Grayson didn't you!" Mel yelled.
"Shhhh- were not that far from school yet!"
"Well yes, but he was going to tell me something that he said would be 'awkward' and then he had to go. So it's tearing at me. I can't tell if it was good or bad."
"Well knowing who Grayson is, it's most likely bad."
"Yeah- but he is so nice to me- well lately anyway."
"Just watch out Lauren. Don't let him hurt you. Your so sweet and pure and I feel he sees you as a game."
"So your saying he wants to talk to me about a relationship?"
"What?! No- Grayson dolan does not do relationships. The whole school knows that."
"Yeah I guess." I said a little saddened about the work up I had in my head of the good things that could have happened.

We arrived at dance and I had to perform my routine. Every other day since we're in advance we have to come up with at least a minute routine. The song I would dancing to today was "fall" by Justin bibber. (Search: fall urban dance camp) and it will pop up.) when I finished so many people came up to me and said I did wonderful. I hadn't felt that good in years. The also pointed out I was more coordinated then Michael. My partner. Which never happens. I don't want to seem wired or anything but I really do think it was Grayson that's been pushing me. I've never been this happy in months.
Next was Mel. She did cups. (Cups urban dance camp) which man the way she moved always amazes me. She has been dancing with her partner Paul for years, that's what makes them so on point with the moves and que's. I was always so jealous of Mel's already dance perfect body.

When I got home from class rehearsals I took my phone out to see Grayson called 2x. I I didn't bother listening to the voicemail and called him back right away.
"Hey Grayson you called?"
"Hey yeah- nows not a good time I'm filming but can I swing by your house later?"
"Do you even know where my house is?" I asked
"I will figure it out." I could tell he was grinning.
"Yeah then that's fine-" I stopped to realize what Mel had said. I'm a game. And I'm just letting him win. Well not if I win first. I'm not the sweet in coven girl people in high school sees me as. I'm sick of that image. "You know what?" I said into the phone. "I'm actually super busy, um- I forget something at my dance studio and I kinda have to drive back now."
"Well that takes all night?" He asked.
"Yep! I'm sorry, maybe another time." I said saying goodbye and hanging up. I felt good about what I did, but also kept thinking to myself that I turned down hot hot hot Grayson Dolan invite to MY house.

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