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I made the edit^^^ tell me what you think! 😊😂my Instagram is cutedolans btw!

When I got to school this morning there was a group of guys huddled by the parking spot I usually park in. I decided it wasn't worth the hassle of them moving. When I got out a couple spots down I spotted Grayson in the guy huddle. He was always late in the mornings. Or in the cafeteria looking for new prey. I just ignored it and walked inside.

"LAUREEENNN!" I heard Mel call.i smiled.
"Mel, I have so much to tell you." I said grinning.
"Okay but before that are you going to dance tonight?" Mel asked.
"Yeah, of course." I replied. Me and Mel met in 1st grade and both joined the same dance academy. We bonded over the love of dance and music. And that's why we're here now. Best friends forever.
"Okay now what's up?" She said leaning against the locker next to me.
"Well- after we talked on the phone yesterday guess who called me..."
"DOLAN?!" She yelled. we got some stares.
"Yes but shhhhhhh." I said putting my hands on her mouth.
"Wha-why?" She asked.
"I don't even know! but get this- he apologized. For being a Jerk."
"Wait wait- wait. He apologized to you?" She sounded concerned.
"Yeah why?" I replied.
"Lauren... Grayson never apologizes for anything. Like ever."
"What? How do you know that?"
"Well that's what everyone tells me. He legit never says anything along those lines." I thought about it.
"He actually apologized twice. But the first time he was a jerk about it."
"Dude. I tell you this- Grayson. Never. Apologizes."
"BUT HE DID." I explained.
"then you're special I guess." I couldn't help but smile. "No no no. You cannot like Grayson dolan. You Lauren have acted like he didn't even exist for all 6 years we have had them." Mel said.
"I knowwww. Mel nothing will happen." I replied.
"Mhmmmm" she said looking down to see Grayson coming.
"Oh my god is he coming towards me?!" I said quietly yelling.
"I think so." She said not amused. I turned to look and I saw Grayson staring. I smiled and turned back around. Then he slowly walked past me. Not staring at anything else but me. I acted like I don't see him anymore. When in all reality I was watching his every move.

The bell had rung and I said by to Mel. I have never looked forward to 6th period in my life.

-6th period-
I got to class to see Grayson was already there. I smiled at the floor took a breath and walked in. He gave me butterfly's.
"Hey." He said smiling.
"Hi." I said shyly. the class went on with mostly us reading little packets untill mr.Holland said to work on the questions in pairs that is next to you. And I luckily sat next to Grayson.
"Okay- I get that this is due today, but like what if we didn't turn it in today?" He said laughing.
"Well- then I guess you would be screwed and I would win." I said laughing.
"How would you win?"
"I would get a much better grade then your 0%." I chuckled.
"Valid point Conrad. Valid point." Did he just call me Conrad?! Brb I'm going to fade away in my beautiful day dream.
"Thanks...dolan?" I asked as if I was asking a question.
"Yeah I like dolan." He smirked.

"Well Conrad- it was nice working with you today on those tricky questions."
"Grayson I pretty much gave you the answers to all of them." I laughed as we walked out together.
"Yeah- okay. But hey, I know this might be awkward but-"
"Gray!" I heard from down the hall. It was his twin Ethan.
"What?!" He sounded aggravated.
"We have football today! Let's go."
"Oh shute I forgot!" He said facing me. "I gotta go, but um- we will talk later okay?" He said frantically.
"Okay." I said as he ran off. And me abandoned in the hall.

Rude // Grayson Dolan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now