"I doubt that" I muttered and looked away.

"We haven't slept nor had any peace since you left Becky. We are worried about you. Your mother is worried...."

"Can you stop bringing her into this?"

"What else am I supposed to do Becky? You hate me, she hates me, everybody hates me!" He said while letting go of his tears.


"Your mum ran away from home because she hated me. I haven't moved on from that, now you left home too? My selfishness has brought nothing but pain to me. I realized that too late.." He paused

"If you can, please forgive me and come back home. I promise to make everything up to you" he said weakly.

It's my first time of seeing my dad in tears. That melted my heart completely. All my anger left me in an instant. Maybe he really meant everything he has said to me.

"I will make it up to you." He continued.

"You are not gonna decide my life anymore?" I asked holding back my tears and he nodded.

"You won't tell me who to be with?" I said and he looked at me.

"You have to promise me" I added.

"I promise. So please... Come home to us!" He said with tears.

"Dad" I cried and ran into his arms.

I can't remember the last time I hugged my dad like this. We have never had such a heartwarming conversation before as long as I remember. I miss the dad I used to know when I was still a child. He was so soft and loving.

But everything changed when my mum left us. It was as if our world crumbled. He became so difficult after she left us.

Leaving him too must have triggered those moments. It was difficult for us all. Maybe the experience made him never believed in love. It was hard but I also understand why mum left. I wouldn't have stayed if I were her. She made the right decision by choosing her sanity first.

"I have missed you so much" he said while hugging me tightly.

"I am so sorry dad" I cried.

"It's okay my baby girl" he said as he stroked my back.

We stayed like that for a while not wanting to part us until someone cleared her throat behind me. I dried my tears quickly and turned to her.

Freen picked up her purse from the table and smiled at me. I think she was watching us from afar and came forward when she saw I already made peace with my dad. She has her purse with her which means she wants to go. The date is between my dad and I afterall.

She smiled at me again before turning to leave the garden. Freen has done so much for me already. I owe her a proper 'thank you'. I should thank her for all these.

"Hold on dad" I said to my dad and ran after her.

"Babe!!" I called just when she was about leaving the premises to the parking lot and she stopped.

I ran to her and hugged her so tightly. I know my dad can see us. Infact I love that he is watching us right now. You have no idea how much I have waited to show my affection in his presence.

"I am so proud of you" she said while stoking my back.

"Thank you so much" I said with tears in my eyes.

Freen cupped my cheeks and started drying my tears. In an instant I pulled her closer and locked our lips. She seemed shocked over that and a little uncomfortable since my dad is here and probably looking at us right now. But I didn't stop kissing her until she finally picked up some courage and kissed me back so passionately.

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