Chapter 31

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"Ma'am Mr. Lee is here to see you" My Secretary said as she got inside.

"Let him in" I responded.

After a while Mr. Lee walked in. He has a folder in his hand. He dropped the folder on my desk and sat down.

"Mr. Lee, what brings you here?" I asked while using my computer.

"We have gathered all the necessary information about Mr. Armstrong. It is contained in the folder." He said and I stopped what I was doing immediately.

"I appreciate all your efforts so far Mr. Lee but I won't be needing that anymore" I said and he looked at me in surprise.

"I want all investigation regarding Mr. Armstrong closed" I continued.

"Ma'am are you sure about...." He stuttered confusedly.

"Do I look like I am joking?" I asked sternly and he was mute.


I picked up my phone and made some transactions before looking back at him.

"I have just transferred some money to you as my way of Thanking you for everything."

"Thanks a lot ma'am"


"If that's all, please excuse me. I have something to finish before the deadline" I said and he stood up to go.

"You can take this with you. I have no use for them any longer" I said pushing the folder back to him.

He reluctantly took the folder, bowed and left my office. I let out a sigh and went back to what I was doing. That family is the last thing I want to hear about. I don't care a bit about them anymore. I have decided to block them out of my life.

It's almost a month since my break up with Becky. I won't lie, it still hurts. It still hurts a lot but I have decided to let go of everything. She grinded my heart to dust. I don't want to see her, I don't want to talk to her or hear anything related to her ever again.

I just want to move on with my life and be around people that truly love and care about me. People that will never leave me no matter how difficult the situation gets. I don't need their promises to trust that they will always be by my side. I don't need fake promises!!

I clenched my fist so hard when the thought of what happened that night came to my mind. If she was going to break up with me why did she organize a romantic date? I can't believe she told me the movie wasn't about us. 'it is just a movie baby' , using her words precisely. When it was exactly what she planned to do to me.

"Liar" I muttered furiously.

I tried to snap out of my mood and concentrate but I couldn't. Thanks to Mr. Lee, I can't do anything anymore. Staying here won't do any good so I decided to go home. I picked my things to leave the office when my phone started ringing. I let out a sigh and sat back on the chair to take that.

"How is your wedding preparation going?" I asked Irin over the phone and she chuckled.

"Going smoothly thank you" she responded.

"Uhm. actually, that's why I called." She said.

Irin's wedding is in the coming week. Everybody around me is married while some are getting married. Nam had her wedding some weeks ago and Irin is having hers soon.

"Freen I heard what happened from Nop and that's why I decided to talk to you first about my plan" Irin said bringing my mind back.

"What happened?" I asked confusedly.

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