Chapter 38

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Lily and Becky are staring at each other as if they are in a staring competition. After a while, Becky gave me this 'what the hell is going on here' kind of look. I smiled nervously and turned to Lily who also is looking at me surprisingly.

"Uhm...." I stuttered.

They are both looking at me for explanation. Lily clearly was not expecting to see Becky here. Not to think that she met her wearing the nightwear I had countlessly refused her from wearing.

"What is she doing here?" Lily finally broke the silence while looking sharply at me.

"Lily, you could have called me before coming...."

"Are you for real? Like since when did I ever need to take permission before coming?" She asked in a serious tone

Lily is right. This wasn't the first time she came in unexpectedly. She never had to inform me before visiting and I sincerely did not mind at all. She has my spares and she can come in at anytime she wishes.

I wasn't expecting her at all this morning. Somehow I feel so nervous that she got to meet Becky here. She has been supporting me emotionally and helping me bear the breakup. Two days ago I promised to give us a chance on one condition. Only if I wasn't affected by Becky's presence at the party. But I was affected. Even my anger was not enough to ignore her presence.

I can see anger in Lily's eyes. As if I betrayed her but did I? Seeing Becky here must have hurt her feelings.

"How the hell is she in your room right now and on your bed? Why is she wearing that?" She asked sternly.

"Excuse me. That question should be for you actually. Why are you here?" Becky fumed.

"You know I will smack your face this minute if you don't stay out of this" Lily threatened.

"I dare you to try that. I will personally separate that arm from your body" Becky fired back.

"Did you just say that to me?" Lily fumed while turning to her.

"Lily stop" I muttered weakly.

"I should stop? Really? Are you taking her side now? What did she promise you? Did she promise to leave her fiancee for you? Is that why you got back with her so quickly?"


"Or was it the sex? I mean you be leaving hickeys on each other's body? Was the sex that good Freen?"

"You can't talk to me like that..."

"I bet it was so good that you completely forgot about everything? That you had to run back into her arm."

"Yes it was. Right baby?" Becky asked me in an attempt to piss her off.

Gosh why did she say that? We didn't even do much before Lily came in. I know she's trying to piss Lily off but I sincerely hate that Lily is hurting right now. I mean she was a friend when I needed one and the last thing I want is see her get hurt.

"You have a good sight. I could barely see the hickeys I made on her neck..."

"That's enough Becky!"

"Really Freen? This girl has been saying nasty things to you but you never shut her off. But you can shut me off so easily?" She said angrily.

I shut my eyes in frustration while trying to stay calm. Why am I getting this ugly drama this morning? Few minutes ago Lily said I was siding Becky, now Becky just said that I am siding Lily. I am siding no one for God's sake. I just don't want any misunderstanding at all.

"You know it's best you leave Freen alone. You have caused her more harm than good. Why do you keep coming back to open her wounds? huh? Just when she was trying to forget about you" Lily fired at Becky.

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