Chapter 14

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"Becky..?" I can hear Freen calling.

I let out a sigh and continued walking. I don't know how to face her. I was rude to her earlier because I couldn't control my anger. I can't believe I can get angry now just by seeing someone holding her. It's beginning to worry me so much that I feel this way for her.

"Wait Becky!" Freen ran to me.

She's holding me in the hand stopping me from walking. It melts me anytime we make physical contact. Her hand is so soft and tender. She's holding me as if she doesn't ever want to let me go. Why am I so weak for her?

"Becky what's wrong? Are you really okay? Why did you act in such a way?"she asked worriedly.


"Becky?" She called in a more calmer tone.

She grasped on my hand more tighter melting me the more. I looked into her worried eyes. She's not mad at me for being rude to her earlier. She's just so worried about me. This lady looks so weak right now as if I make her weak too.

"I am sorry for my behavior earlier. I didn't mean to" I apologized.

She was silent. Just looking at me as if she has something to say but doesn't know how to say it. I am getting too emotional right now. I want to jump in her arms. I want her to hug me the way she did before.

"Becky are you really okay? I noticed you have been in a bad mood since we got here. Did something happen?"

"Yes something happened. I feel jealous when someone else touches you and I know I am completely insane for feeling that way. I don't have any reason to be jealous of you. I don't know what you did to me Miss Sarocha" I wanted to scream that all loud but I couldn't. I exhaled deeply and looked back at the entrance door. After about a minute without saying anything, she continued..

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me. Also you don't have to worry about your behavior earlier. I understand you are tired and you want to go home" she said.

I smiled and took a quick glance at her. She's holding her handbag on the other hand but what about our soap?

"Uhm... Our soap?" I asked and she smiled.

"It's in my bag..." She was about saying when her phone beeped.

It's probably a message. She reached for the phone and after going through the message she looked back at me.

"I will drop you first at the hotel." She said smiling and I smiled back.

I think she isn't going home yet. She's probably going somewhere else after dropping me. But it's already 7 in the evening. We are likely to spend over an hour going back to the hotel and she still wants to go out? Wouldn't it be late?

It was silent in the car. No one said a word not even a music was playing. Something tells me this lady is living a sad life. Her car interior is dark with no single decoration. It's my first time seeing a lady's car like this. I wanted to ask why but I didn't. We are getting close but not close enough to discuss personal matters.

I waved the thought off and looked out of the window. The moment from the changing room popped up again. It wasn't a dream, she actually wanted to kiss me. I was so close, so close to kissing her but her friend walked in. I wish we can talk about it or even try kissing again.

She's suddenly pulling over and I looked at her in surprise. Why? Is everything okay? She stopped infront of a flower shop and unclasped her seatbelt.

"Please wait here. I will be back in a minute" she said and got out of the car.

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