Chapter 45

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It's been over two hours my dad left the station. I got an update from one of the policemen that he already boarded a flight to Bangkok. I am still in the police station and in the interrogation room.

This is 4 in the evening and Freen isn't here yet. I am lonely and sad. Where is she? And why hasn't she come yet. Is she still in the meeting? Is it wrong to say I miss her even with everything that has happened? I was in my thoughts when the door opened and Mr. Lee with one of the police officers walked in.

"We are sorry for keeping you waiting Miss Armstrong." The officer said.

"Like we said before, these important document belonging to Miss Sarocha was found in your suitcase." He said and dropped them on the table.

"Uhm...." I stuttered.

"However, she doesn't want to make trouble with you. She wants to settle this amicably"

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She ought to be here by now but something came up." He answered.

"So what do I do now? You want to continue keeping me here?" I asked confusedly.

"Not at all Miss. Armstrong. She wishes to let you go" he said with a smile on his face.

"Interesting" my short response.

He walked to me and uncuffed me. Fuck! My wrists hurt. I was given my bag and other things they earlier took from me. I got out of the station to get a taxi back to the hotel. I haven't had such a hectic day in a while. I already have a headache trying to process the whole thing.

I was standing at the bus stop waiting for the taxi when a car stopped infront of me. It kept honking that caught my attention. But I couldn't see who was inside because the glasses were tinted. Not until the backseat window opened revealing Mr. Lee.

I rolled my eyes in disbelief. What now? I thought it was all over. I am so tired and stressed for another drama. I may break down if they pull another drama. I am sure Freen sent them but where is she? What was it that came up?

"Please get in" Mr. Lee said in a calm tone.

I let out a sigh and got in the car. Sitting next to Mr. Lee at the backseat. It was awkward because I haven't ever stayed like this with someone else in the same car.

"We apologize for all the troubles Miss Armstrong." He said and took out a mini envelope.

"Madam Sarocha wanted you to have this." He added and handed me the envelope.

I tool the envelope from him and opened it. There was a paper with a short note written on it. I took it out to read.

"If you have this, it means you're already with Mr. Lee. Don't panic please. Everything is fine. I will explain it all to you when I see you but first, you should know he's not taking you back to the hotel but to my villa where you will be well taken care of. I will see you soon" It says.

I heaved a sigh and closed it back. When is the soon? I am dying to see her already. At this point I doubt if she's still in Japan. I turned to Mr. Lee.

"Is she really in Tokyo?" I asked and he smiled.

"I am sorry Miss Armstrong but I am not allowed to disclose information about madam to anybody." He said. 

"Anybody?" I murmured.

I am not just anybody!! I wanted to scream that all loud but I controlled it. Where is Freen? What is she planning? I badly want to see her. Maybe only then will my racing heart calm. Is it so wrong to say I worry about her more than I worry about my dad? And that slap earlier from my dad was bad. I don't like that he hit her. I never want to see Freen get hurt in any way. If he wasn't my dad, I would have punched him back.

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