Chapter 6

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It's the first day of the business program being hosted by Mr. Antonio. I don't feel too good. I woke up having a headache probably because of what happened yesterday. After having lunch with Lily, I went straight home. I couldn't go to the office because I was not in a mood to do anything.

Seeing Becky yesterday triggered a lot and even though my family and friends didn't believe me, I have this strong conviction that it was Becky I saw not her lookalike.

I drove to the venue and was about leaving the car when my phone started ringing. Mr. Lee is calling. It must be something important or something about Becky. I pleaded with him yesterday to get Becky's medical folder. I know it's illegal and the hospital can get sued for digging out a patient's file for personal use without their consent. But Mr. Lee can do everything for me as long as I asked for it.

"I am sorry for calling now ma but it's because of the discussion we had last night." He said.

I immediately sat up. I am curious to know what he has to say. Was he able to get the file or it wasn't released to him?

"Thankfully the folder was released." He said.

I heaved a sigh of relief and rested properly on the seat. It's good that the folder was released. I don't know why I am doing this but maybe it will help me move on since I didn't attend her funeral in England because I was having a mental breakdown during those times plus Nop and Irin said they were not invited nor informed. They only know she was moved to England for burial.

"But madam, we have two folders with the same name here." He said bringing my mind back.

"What do you mean?" I asked confusedly.

"There are two folders with the name, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, here with me..."

"What the hell?" I mumbled.

"The folders were opened the same day.." I can hear him saying.

I checked my time. It is 10 in the morning and the event is kicking off in 30 minutes time.

"I will be there in 5" I said and ended the call immediately.

It's important that I attend the program but Becky is more important. Everything about her is my number one priority. I started the car and drove off at full speed. My mind was occupied that I didn't see a car coming. I nearly ran into the car but I was fast enough to get off their way.

"Sorry" I muttered without stopping.

I can see from the side mirror, just when I was about leaving the gate, that the car stopped. I let out a sigh and sped up again. I am sorry for almost hitting you but I can't stop to apologize right now. I have somewhere I need to be.

I drove straight to the hospital. I got into my room and was about sitting when Mr. Lee walked in. He is having the folders in his hands. He dropped it on my desk and sat down.

I quickly opened the first folder. The one I was aware of. Mr. Armstrong signed on it as soon as he got to the hospital that day. I couldn't sign because I was not a family member. Tears clouded in my eyes when I saw her death certificate attached to the folder.

My mind flashed back to that very day. Becky was in the operation room for over 9 hours. I couldn't keep counts of how many blood bags that was used that day because she was bleeding a lot. Stopping the bleeding wasn't easy and eventually she gave up the ghost.

My tears started dropping on the document. I did my best to hold the tears in but I couldn't. So please don't judge me for letting go of my tears.

"Madam?" Mr. Lee called and I quickly dried my tears.

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