Chapter 23

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Getting the painting down was so easy, why is it hard to put it back on? Freen moved closer to assist me but something crazy happened as soon as she touched the painting.

"I will help you" the voice said and I turned.

I can't see the face very well, it's blurry but she's a woman, same height as Freen, it's crazy but she also smells like Freen. She walked to me and helped with the painting.

"There" she muttered and I smiled.

She hugged me from behind as we both admire the painting on the wall.

"It's as beautiful as you Teerak" she said and kissed my neck.

"I will cherish this forever sweetheart. Don't worry, I will study hard to become the best attorney. I won't disappoint you my love" I said. She smiled and hugged me more tighter.

Like a flash, the scene vanished and I am back to reality. What just happened? This is not like the deja vu I usually have. I think I just flashed back to when I was given this painting. It was a gift from a lover. Maybe the person my dad said I fell in love with that almost got me killed. I don't remember the face but every other thing, including the voice sounds like ... Like... FREEN!!

I turned to Freen immediately. Am I mistaken? Was that person really Freen? Why have the same voice, height and smell?

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly taking me out of my thoughts.

"Uhm.. I uhmm..." I am stuttering.

I am not okay. I just had my first ever memory and I don't know how I feel. My whole body is shaking.

"I need to use the bathroom" I said and excused myself to the bathroom.

I splashed water several times on my face to calm my anxiety. I just remembered something from the past and it's getting me scared. I feel like having my memories back will hurt so much plus I just found out my dad lied to me.

He said I didn't enroll in a law program because I gave up my dream of becoming a lawyer. But this person I was in love with gave me that gift to congratulate and encourage me to study harder.

My dad said that lady was an enemy. She lied to me just to lure me to my death but the memory of her I just had said otherwise. I felt her love. I know things can change but that lady looked harmless. Gosh! Why can't I remember her face? Why can't I remember what she looked like!!

"Becky?" I can hear Freen calling and knocking gently on the bathroom door.

"Coming!!" I answered.

I stayed calm for about a minute before coming out of the bathroom. Freen is standing at the door. She has a puzzled look on her face as she cupped my cheeks.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

I looked straight into her eyes. It's embarrassing asking her about this again not after she has told me countless times that we haven't met before. I looked back at the painting that is already on the wall.

"I can get that for you if you love it that much" she said.

"It's not it Freen"

Freen is still very worried and it's because of my reaction. I should do something to take her out of this mood. I smiled and wrapped my hands around her waist.

"You don't have to worry so much about me baby. I am fine". I said.

"How can I not worry about you? You acted weird just now"

"I'm sorry okay? It's just that I keep having this crazy image of you every single time." I finally voiced out.

"I don't quite get that" she said in confusion.

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