Chapter 26

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My phone kept ringing forcing me to open my eyes. It's still early in the morning and this unknown number didn't stop to call. I reluctantly picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said with a sleepy voice.

"It's been a long time Miss Sarocha" the voice said over the phone and I sat on the bed instantly.

I don't need anyone to tell me who I am on the phone with right now. I looked at Becky immediately. she is still sleeping soundly. I gently got out of the bedroom to the living room in order not to wake Becky. I don't want her to hear our discussion.

"Richie.." I muttered as soon as I got to the living room.

"You're very correct. I like how your brain works" he said laughing.

I got so irritated and clenched my fist so hard that my knuckles turned red. I hate him so much. I hate them so much. Because of them I had a mental break down for months. They lied about Becky! They fooled us!

"What do you want?" I asked trying to stay as calm as possible.

"I need to talk to you. Meet me in 30 mins..."

"You're too demanding. Who do you think you are?" I fumed.

"My kid sister is in your bed right now I suppose. Having a little talk about her won't be bad" he said in an unbothered way.


"I will send the location to you. Be there in 30 minutes. By the way, Do you know where exactly in Singapore your cousin, Heng is? It's best you don't make me send pictures to you..."

"You bastard..." I cursed and clenched my fist so hard.

"Come alone. I'll be waiting for you Miss Sarocha" he said and ended the call.

That bastard! I can't believe he's stalking Heng. I got back to the bedroom and dressed up in a casual outfits. I walked over to Becky who was still sleeping soundly and kissed her on the forehead before storming out of the room. He has sent the location already so I drove straight to the place.

The place looks like an abandoned building with nobody living around. Why would Richie choose somewhere like this of all places? I was still contemplating whether to go in or not when he came out of the building. He has two men walking behind him.

"You're 5 minutes late Miss Sarocha..."

"Get to the point. Why have you called me here?" I said sternly.

"4 years older looks more good on you and your family... I mean look how much you have accomplished. All with someone's sweat and money" he said with an evil smile.

This is actually the first time in four years that we have seen each other. Unlike Becky, he still looks exactly the same. Not even his fashion sense has changed. Wait! Did he say someone's sweat and money? I ignored him and...

"If anything happens to Heng, or any of my people. you will live to regret that" I said angrily.

"Oh really? You care about your family that much? What about mine? You think I don't care about mine as well? You have done nothing but to create problem in my family" He cut me off.

"Why did you call me out here exactly?" I asked with a straight face.

"You know Becky has amnesia right and she's not allowed to be here in Thailand not alone be with you!! It may trigger her..."

"Oh! So now she has amnesia? I thought she died 4 years ago" I responded unbothered and he clenched his fist.

"Don't play that game with me Miss Sarocha. You won't like the end of it" he threatened.

Better This Way 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें