Chapter 15

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"Thank you so much for coming. Do have a safe ride back home" Mrs. Soikham said.

That's Lily's mum. The dad got promoted at work so we went to congratulate him. I completely forgot about the family party if not for the message Heng sent to me. But because I had no gift prepared, I decided to get a bouquet and a wine.

I bowed at them and left the building with Heng to where our car is. We were about getting into the car when Lily joined us. Heng and I looked at each other in surprise. Does she want to go with us? Won't she be sleeping over at her parents house?

"Aren't you staying over?" Heng asked and she smiled.

"I have work to do tomorrow and I don't want to be late."

So she's staying over at mine? Not that I mind though. I don't need her to say it because my place is closer to her office. Plus she might be trying to avoid the morning traffic as well.

She hopped at the backseat and we drove off. Heng will be driving us home first before going to the mansion. I was looking out the window the whole time because to be honest I am not in a happy mood. A lot of things are running through my mind. It breaks my heart how Becky ran after that girl. Making me feel like the other woman who wants to break a happy home. All the joy and pleasure I felt when we kissed were replaced with sadness. It hurts me more to think she might be regretting ever kissing me since the girl she loves caught us.

I wasn't expecting the kiss at all. I am confused over what to think. She ran to me and kissed me what does that mean? Does she like me or just playing games with me? Is she like the naughty and flirty Becky I used to know that can't stay faithful? Maybe she loves her fiancee but just playing with me. God! I don't know what to think anymore.

"Why are you so quiet Freen? Your mood is really terrible" Heng said and I looked at him.

"I noticed also. You've been getting lost in your thoughts as well" Lily said from the back.

Should I tell them what happened this evening? I have plans of inviting Becky to meet with the group at Heng's second wedding anniversary holding in two days time. But with what happened this evening I don't know if it's a good idea. I mean she may try distancing herself from me by tomorrow and my heart can't take it.

"Tell me Freen. What happened? How did it go? I mean the soap production with Becky?" He asked curiously bringing my mind back to them.

"It went well. We did a good job making a soap" I responded and everywhere got silent.

"But your mood is saying something is bothering you? What is it?" He asked breaking the silence.

I turned to him and looked into his worried eyes. Lily is also worried to know why I am like this. Maybe I should tell them. I let out a sigh and relaxed my back properly on the seat.

"We kissed." I muttered.

"What?" They both screamed in unison.


Heng immediately pulled over and stopped the car.

"Hold on... Hold on... You mean to tell me that you kissed Becky? Like how did that happen?" Heng asked in shock.

"Becky kissed me and I responded." I said.

They are looking at me in surprise. Why? Shouldn't I have responded to it? Why are they this shocked?

"Wait you responded?" Heng asked in shock.

"Of course there's no way I wouldn't respond to her kisses no matter where we are. So I did but then her fiancee saw us..." I paused and let out a sigh.

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