Chapter 35

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I was walking behind her but it was a little difficult for me because my legs were still shaking plus my dress was torn at the top. So I was using my hand to cover the open area. Freen instantly stopped and walked back to me. Without any word she carried me in her arms to the parking lot.

I wrapped my hands around her shoulder, holding her as tight as I could as we headed to her car. Freen's face is scary especially when keeping a cold face. She has no trace of happiness on her face and she didn't look at me for once.

I can't believe what happened tonight. She saved me from those bad guys. She could have let them harm me but she didn't. That further proved that she doesn't hate me, she is only angry with me.

My heart is filled with joy. I am in Freen's arms for the first time after our breakup. I have joy in my heart anytime I am close to her like this. So close that I can feel her boobs bouncing. Ugh... Becky stop that.

I snapped out of my imagination instantly while rethinking my decision. I will never be happy without Freen. I was wrong with my decision. Maybe giving up easily was a bad idea. maybe there is another way I could protect Freen without having to break up with her. Maybe there's something else I need to do.

"Your seatbelt" she said bringing me out of my thoughts.

We are in the car already. But where is she taking us? Will she be driving me to the mansion? I still want to spend a little time with her. I want to make sure she's okay especially her knuckles that have turned red and I'm sure they are quite painful.

Freen instantly moved so close to me and my heart skipped many beats. She's so close to me that I can feel the warmth of her breath and I started gasping for air. What is she doing? Does she want to kiss me? Maybe not. I can feel her hand moving close to my laps as she tries to help with the seatbelt. I looked at her and gulped when my eyes landed on her lips. I have missed kissing her so much.

Freen stopped and looked at me in the eyes. I trembled while gripping on the seat. I always feel butterflies in my tummy when she looks at me the way she is doing now. I have been dying for so long to have her look at me this way. My heart is pounding. I am sure she can hear my heartbeat.

It feels like we have been in this situation before in the past. Does she always help with my seatbelt? Whenever I am close to her or think of her, I kept having images of us together in the past. Maybe this woman here is the key to my lost memories.

In a minute she moved away from me. And after putting on her own seatbelt, she...

"You can pass the night at my place then leave the next morning. I have empty rooms you can sleep in. But if you're uncomfortable, then tell me your home address, I will drive you home" She said.

I want to scream out of excitement. Did she really offer to take me to her home? Of course I want to spend the night at her place. I really want to spend more time with her.

"Uhm...." I stuttered.

"Your place is fine."

"Because my dad will...." I continued but ...

"I don't want to hear it" she cut me off while starting the car.

Although I felt hurt by her response. I still can't deny that I was so insensitive of the situation.

I wanted to say my dad will misunderstand and may harm her. With what happened some minutes ago, it was obvious his men weren't stalking us at that moment. If they were, they would have come to save me. And seeing Freen in the house will get him so angry. But I was so insensitive of Freen's feelings by mentioning my dad.

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