The Miracle of a blow - 1

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Dear reader, I find it necessary, not mandatory, but of great reason that you pay very close attention to every word penned, while I tell you the story of how I fell for him, and how it all went downhill, thereon.

For you see, it all began that summer night...


"Spread your legs wide"

I froze at the break of those words, eyes gaping at the fellow propped before me.

Not even being spared a moment to recall the events of the past hour, and here I found myself trying to accommodate the presence of this figure.

I gaped at that profile away.

Those green, hawk-like eyes still remained as intense as they had been the minute I was rushed into the E.R.

And however bewildered I appeared to be, Doctor Valentino seemed a huge contrast to my own being.

He bore such flat demeanor that had me wondering how a person could be this comported after witnessing a girl bleed to her death right before him, and another now brought in for him to tend to.

His eyes remained paused on my figure, those plump lips opening up and closing while he muttered whatever words to me, which at this point were indecipherable to my ears, for you see, the minute Doctor Valentino had been assigned to me, I had taken my focus off my current pain, onto admiring the Mister before me.

Doctor Valentino was a man in his early thirties, the only figure in City Hall hospital whose name was always on the lips of all.

Rumored to have been sent here all the way from Italy all for work and research, it didn't take long for the ladies of the land of the free to come pining over the Mister.

Perhaps, it could be just how efficient he was at his job, but between you and I, I believed it was of the fact that the ladies couldn't get their eyes off him.

Loose Lorettes! The lot of them!

There was this gossip flying around town that women ended up in City Hall, just so they could have a moment around the Gentleman.

I wasn't one to believe such squabbles.

Bullshit! I used to deem it, not until an hour ago, I found myself in an accident, which ended up bringing me before this gorgeous figure of a Sir.

He bore such mystifying gaze which would have one wanting to uncover more, and darn it!, how that voice of his sent tingles to the skin of my ears.

I couldn't tell if my body turning numb was of the injection administered to me, or of the fact that this fellow now had himself a feet away from my perplexed form.

Who didn't know of Dr. Valentino?— the Gentleman who had been employed at City Hall nine months ago, the one who since his arrival in this town, had saved over a hundred lives, the same one who people wondered why he chose to remain single despite how smashing, collected and good-mannered the young man was.

It was the same Dr. Valentino who received love notes from girls bypassing the hospital. And it was that very same man I was now laid before.

"Ma'am, please spread your legs wide" That mellow tone of a voice brushed past my earlobes once again.

If you listened closely, you could catch the accent which came laced with his words, one which was dangerously scintillating, and managing to pry my eyes open this time, I was met with the watchful green gaze of the Man.

Figure positioned in between my legs, which I now had spread apart, I struggled not to shudder at the situation.

I still could feel the blood trickling down there, and I could tell you I was only a minute from passing out, but for some reason, the presence of this not-so-much-a-stranger seemed to have me wide awake.

Dr. Valentino (18+)Where stories live. Discover now