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Sup everyone, Kurokus here.sorry they weren't any parts for the past few days, author is in a tight area so he's some problems right now.on the other hand I was told to chat with y'all and maybe tell a "skele-ton" of jokes or two,anyhoo... am here to just chat with y'all and just "chill" for the moment also... Did you know that there's about 3 million cyanide per gram in every apple seed? How many would you think can endanger someone's life?

As Kurokus said that,the screen zooms out revealing Izentsu,Taisin and Yami lined up beside him with Izentsu pausing before he can eat the apple

Taisin:Kurokus,what the fuck??


Yami:[hmm....how many can it be to endanger someone's life......] Yami is seen standing still holding a apple in his hands as imaginary numbers starts to appear out of nowhere in his head

Meanwhile Taisin is yelling at Kurokus while Izentsu is having some thoughts about apples being poisonous or he was joking (spoiler alert! he's not)

Kurokus:maybe I can do some experiments with one of my test subjects if I just keep feeding him apples...?

Taisin:what the fuck?? Kurokus! we're literally eating apples right now! THE FUCK??

Izentsu:uhm...were you perhaps joking nii-sama...?


As they were talking the screen shifts to Tatsuya to the left

Tatsuya:ahahaha.... sorry for my younger brothers behavior and the people that are eating apples right now please forgive my brother.he has a habit in teasing people with his science work,anyway. Mr.author is working hard doing the next part of the story I hope I can politely ask you viewers to please wait patiently for the upcoming part as it might take a while since Author is having trouble making time for to write as his school is currently having in a complex position.I heard that the next part might take a little longer but it will surely arrive for all to enjoy.that will be all,I hope you all can wait patiently and have a very happy day.lets give it our all for this day!, now excuse me I have to lecture with my younger brothers bickering before it becomes any wor-


Tatsuya:oh my...it seems I have spoke too soon.I will be seeing all of you soon and it's a pleasure to talk to you if any of you have a question to ask please tell us,oh! but please refrain from asking us any inappropriate question please? that will be all,I hope all have a blessed day.

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