just a heads up and explaining

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Yo! Soooo...um..this is just a piece of heads ups I was just thinking that some of you guys might be doubting that this is a story for arknights, it is. it's just...this is basically a before and after parts afterall I have been giving hints in the story Soo...yeah..ok,here we go...

so...as I said, this is basically a before and after arc...it means that the parts you guys are reading are basically the past before the present time,before the asteroid or meteor that fell to earth and turned earth to terra and spreading a very contagious illness called the rock cancer or oripathy, this is the backstory of the characters before they became something else in the future of terra,Yami becomes the one and only future doctor, if it's not obvious enough from the past chapters/parts there you go....of course,he gets brain damage or amnesia and his personality changes aswell, however.he kinda has like...a dual personality?,like he has three personalitys inside of him,one them being AD(amnesia Doctor) don't think I have to explain much else its in the name and PD(prime Doctor) basically the one that has not lost his memories
and is still the same Yami from kazdel
and from the previous parts,and the last is ED(emotionless Doctor) this Doctor only appears when he loses all hope or feels guilty when his in that state all of his abilities increases its power 100xs stronger like he has the ability to freeze,burn,blow away, thunder clap an intire city with just a snap of a finger but he returns to normal if you use talk-no-jutsu on him so yeah that's pretty much it,as for the others I will not spoil you on what will they become in the future cause it ruins the purpose in the past before the present arc,I will only reveal you on what Yami will be like in the future oh and btw in the future, Doctor Yami is married to Dr.kal'slit but loses its memories so Dr.kal'slit got salty and sour and pretty much is mad cause he left her for 500 years so she salty and sour to him( not my fault btw:P hes just bad at taking care of his wife!)
so yeah that's pretty much it so bye...
He also gets his very own harem...yay :D, y'all dicide who will be in his harem there's a limit on how many he can have cause the rest are with the others sooooo....just 15 of them? (I don't the even numbers)
I don't know?...there currently 226 operators in Rhodes island with 45 male ops with the rest just females,
huh.ironic and interesting don't you think? Oh well ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯....so yeah..bye..

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