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We start where we left off...

Amiya:my name is Amiya it's nice you meet you Misha..

Misha:....yes I am Misha are you people from Rhodes Island?....

Amiya:yes we did you know? Misha...



Deceiver:so the way if you come across some Rhodes Island folks please don't tell them about me alright?

Misha:why? are you being hunted by them?

Deceiver:what!? oh dear terra no!
it's just am quite popular here in lungmen and I don't what to ruin my grand intro already introducing myself to those two logistics on top of that building..


Deceiver:what?...Anyway just promise me that you don't tell them alright? *smile*

Flashback ends...


Amiya:uh,Misha?..are you alright?

Misha:huh? oh! yes I am, I just spaced out Abit...

Amiya:oh..oh okay then gonna tell us where you knew we were Rhodes Island or your just going to keep it for yourself?

Misha:oh! uhm...I heard alot of people talking about a pharmaceutical company being here in lungmen so I eavesdropped a bit and that's where I knew!

Misha said as she was trying to not act like she was lying as she promised to not tell anyone about her friend Deceiver.the Doctor stared intensely at Misha with narrow eyes as he trys to see if she was lying but was stopped by Amiya.

Amiya:dokutah? is something wrong with Misha?, there's nothing wrong with her am just...checking something

Amiya:well can you stop staring at her dokutah your making her uncomfortable. not to mention your blades are out dokutah

The Doctor raised a brow when Amiya said that his blades were out which he was pretty sure they were  sheathed in the scabbard, he checked his blades and sure enough they were out!

Doctor:what the?...I thought for sure I put them back in their sheathes? did maybe the straps came off? that's weird..

Amiya:dokutah can you put away your blades your making Misha uncomfortable with them out in the open, and you staring at her like that is also not working either

Doctor:oh! No! I thought for sure they were in the sheathes [and I thought for sure I placed the straps on...]
alright i apologize I'll put them back but anyway we should probably leave now we wouldn't want to be out in the open for Reunion to straight out pounce on us here now do we?

Amiya:right! Misha am sorry but can you-

Misha:I'll go with you

Amiya:eh? that simple? we didn't even given you a reason to trust us yet so why?

Misha:I heard that you people are also infected so...I can trust you

Franka:that's it? nothing else?

Misha:and because you people made something that would...cure my infection..

Franka:I see...we'll we better get going
Reunion must have already know where we are,by now..

Amiya:right...let's go Misha!


Amiya: madam Chen we have found Misha we're heading over to you right now!

Chen:understood,keep Misha safe until you get to the escort and be careful! my scouts have reported that multiple Reunion grunts are heading towards your location so watch out for Reunion attacks

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