PART17 Misha (part 3)

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We start where we left off...

The scene opens up in a abandoned mine that is used as a base for Reunion.


In the distance,the sound of blades swinging and gunfire can be heard as well as agonizing screams of pain. we then see Texas and Exusiai are fighting a few waves of Reunion grunts.Texas brought down her sword down and slashed down a Reunion grunt the Reunion grunt then fell to the ground with blood covering the ground and their uniform.

Reunion grunt:CURSES! There's only two of them! Get in there already! What are you so scared!?

Reunion grunt: we've already lost over twenty of our comrades! these two devils are no ordinary people!

Exusiai:watch your right!

Texas:give me a hand

Reunion grunt:keep pressuring her I'll finish her off!

Texas:I don't have time to deal with that guy rushing at me...

Exusiai:you owe me a drink next time, all right?

Texas:sure,no hurry it up..

Exusiai:okie dokie! he mister Reunion guy?

Reunion grunt then stops in they're tracks and looks at the smiling red haired sankta.

Reunion grunt:huh?

Exusiai:this bullet is my gift to you. Make sure to accept it with gratitude~

Exusiai then aimed her Kris vector at the Reunion grunt and fired


Reunion grunt:wait wha-GUH!!

The Reunion grunt then fell to his back with bullets holes in their stomach and blood on their uniform..

Texas: alright,I took care of him for you~

Texas:thank you very much

Exusiai:we were totally I'm sync back there!

Texas:..guess so.

Reunion grunt:DIE!

a Reunion grunt jumped behind of Exusiai and tried to slash the Sankta from behind but was slashed in the chest by a glowing red sword by Texas.


Texas:check your surroundings..

Then suddenly a loud sound of dozens of foot steps came Infront of them as the reinforcements of Reunions came.

Reunion grunt:WHA-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?

Exusiai:ah,don't take it personally. but we're on a contract you know? when you're in a logistics business, there's nothing more important then fulfilling your contracts!

Texas:on your left..

Texas said as she sliced a Reunion grunt diagonally.


Texas:please cover my right then start running.we need to move..

As they the two logistics were running from the group of angry Reunions they received a call from their transmission device.

Amiya:Exusiai, we're currently a approaching your position!

Exusiai: we've drawn the full attention of the enemy.the rest is up to you!

Amiya:stay safe!

The scene then shifts to where Amiya and Dr.Yami's location where the rest of their squad is also located.

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