SIDE STORY:past Yami and Taisin...

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(hello everyone! WB here! Now this part is just a side story, basically just some lore or some mysterious scenes from the story like what happened in the past or in the this part, you'll be seeing how The Doctor or Yami and Taisin interacted with each other in the past when they were still without further ado let's get to it!)

Location-Rhode Island
Time-2 months ago after the rescue of the Doctor...

The scene opens in a office,in the office we see four figures.the figures that in the room are the following Kal'tsit, Kal'lina,Amiya,and Warfarin..

Amiya:Dr.Kal'tsit! How is dokutah  able to fight? I don't remember that dokutah was even capable of fighting

Kal'lina:yeah mama! I don't really remember seeing papa doing any combat training back then! or heard he could fight! were you keeping it a secret mama!?

Warfarin:now, please calm down, Kal'tsit can't answer multiple question at once but then again I am also curious Kal'tsit.I don't ever recall of the Doctor being able to do combat back then nevertheless being extremely skilled in hand-to-hand and knife combat also..

Kal'tsit:*sigh* answer all of your questions,I also don't know...

Kal'lina:what do you mean you don't know!? were you and papa like...very lovy dovy with each other bac-mhm!!

As Kal'lina was talking Kal'tsit put her hand on Kal'lina's mouth which stopped from talking.

Kal'tsit:as I said,I don't know..I was truly never aware he was able to fight, I never even see him in combat once back then...

Warfarin:I thought you two would have already knew each other's secrets by now back then

Kal'tsit:unfortunately he hasn't told me all of them...

Amiya:well...if Dr.Kal'tsit doesn't know did dokutah learn how to fight?


15 years ago back in earth...

A young boy with glasses is seen talking with another boy with a black hood and a mask.

Taisin:huh? you want me to teach you how to fight?


Taisin:why though? you don't really ask for these types of things normally also..don't you already know how to fight?

Yami:yes I am aware....however.....I have realized that in my current combat state is that it is too weak for my taste......thus I ask for your ways of combat....

Taisin:are you fuckin serious? I mean...I guess your fighting style does need some work since it's kinda crappy and offense

Yami:none taken.....will you teach me?

Taisin:hmmm....well...sure? I guess..
but I gotta warn you,my method in training is very fucking intense you might die you know?

Yami:if it makes me able to surpass my current state......I will accept

Taisin:I guess...alright..since we're pretty much far from the base...
The training....

Taisin trailed off and looked at Yami with the most menacing glare any could ever seen.Yami looked back in confusion and before he knew it he ducked down!


Taisin threw his metal pipe at Yami with so much strength that it stabbed on to side of the mountain and made a huge crack.

Just then Yami felt a sudden change in the wind so he instantly jump backed but he grabbed by the collar and was hit at the stomach with a powerful kick by Taisin that made him sent flying back towards the trees.Taisin who sended Yami flying stood still and looked at the direction where he kicked Yami off to.

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