PART7: are you a Disney princess?

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We start as we left off...

The scene shows of a forest in a normal day,well...that is if you see shards of ice and multiple craters of black dirt from certain explosives that were caused by it then no.the scenes shifts towards a dirt path that we see two young boys walking along the path,one wearing a black hooded mask that covers their face and is covered in bruises and cuts from a certain fight against a crazy pedo scientist that wanted to capture them and experiment them for research.and the other having blond yellow hair wearing rectangular glasses.

Tatsuya:she really did a number on you,huh?.Yami

Said the blond haired boy who is carrying the hooded boy that is Yami on his back with cuts that are now bandaged and disinfected.

Yami: their nothing to worry to about...just some minor injurys..Tatsuya....

Said Yami who is carried by Tatsuya on his back.Tatsuya looked backed at him infront of his mask,even though he cant exactly see his expression under the mask he can still feintly see his eyes under it.

Tatsuya:minor injurys,huh? say that but your eyes are in pain, though your face can't express it.what exactly were you thinking about using a knife against a great sword? Nevertheless, combined with a blade of a chainsaw. you could have died back then if you weren't careful.

Yami:I was aware of the danger in my situation back then, however...I had it under control...

Tatsuya:uh-huh..."under control" you say, but you barely managed dodge all of her swings and got yourself cut.

Yami:says the one who was playing therapy with the enemy.

Said Yami,who looked at Tatsuya with a blank stare under the mask and a "really?" expression.

Tatsuya:what!? They were mentally hurt inside and they had noone to listen to their problems cause they were alone so I had to somehow help them!

Tatsuya exclaimed with a concerned look about the captureers being hurt inside and sad.

Yami:so you dicided to help them being their therapist?.... seriously?...

Yami looked at Tatsuya with a blank expression under the mask while Tatsuya was sweating by the stare his brother is giving him behide his back.



Tatsuya: ouch!

Shouted Tatsuya whom was hit by the back of his head by Yami.

Yami:next time...when your helping someone...don't help the enemys but our allys instead...


They continue walking while chatting to each other,why their walking even though last time Kurokus was there? simple,Tatsuya wanted to have a walk with Yami while walking home.

Tatsuya:it's a beautiful day, today.birds are singing wonderfully and flowers are blooming.dont you think so too,Yami?

Said Tatsuya,who was admiring the forest and all of it's scenery that it has to display.birds on trees singing a beautiful melody and flowers on the side of the forest path their walking on showing off their beautiful colors.roses, sunflowers, and other colored flowers of different kind.anyone who walks upon this path, they are walking on can see there favorite kinds of flowers.Yami was looking at their surroundings hearing birds chirp a calm melody accompaned by the sound of flowing water from a nearby river with a hind of wind hitting the trees gently as to not make the birds flee.

Yami:it is...peaceful

Said Yami,in a southing and relaxed tone,he likes calm and peaceful moments like these it clears his mind about what the world truly is and what's to come.Tatsuya continued to walk in a gentle ,calm pace taking his time to admire his surroundings of the forest while keeping a fast and slow walk pace.

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