PART6:A "chilling" day

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We start at where we left off...

Yami:you two really took time,huh....

Tatsuya:good afternoon Yami and.....

Tatsuya stays silent after noticing the  red crimson haired woman and just stares blankly at her until Kurokus spoke up casually to her....

Kurokus:yo! dr.hime-cunt!! "howl" ya doin?

Said Kurokus that planted a swear word into the red haired Doctor's name mocking her and maybe.pissing her off a little

Dr.himeko:oh my~ well...if it isn't my number one little favorite~ sweet ang-

Tatsuya:don't call me that....Dr.himeko

Dr.himeko was cut off by Tatsuya before she can talk any further. Dr.himeko is very surprised and slightly disturbed from his tone from speaking to her.hes voice from when he cut her off from her talking was cold...very cold,colder then any environment or place anyone can set their foot sounded very sign or a shred of emotion from when he cut her off was felt from him...the only thing she felt from when he spoke was nothing but a cold piercing tone that made a imaginary hole in her stomach.his tone was also heard by the surrounding made them feel all sorts of emotions that it sended shivers down their spine, making them feel slightly fearful,scared,and terror...others were concerned and scared at the same time."how can a 11yo boy can make such a tone?" especially, a tone which is nothing but only a very cold and emotionless that can send shivers down your spine that will even make the most toughest and strongest willed person on their knees
shaking in fear of the person in front of them who they clearly see is whom is not to mess with.

Tatsuya:.....I never expected to see you again so soon...Dr.himeko....

Said Tatsuya whom is still looking at the Dr.himeko with a very cold and emotionless look.he was staring directly at her with a sharp and cold piercing stare that made her shiver not just by the cold but also the fear she is feeling from his dead cold stare.
the smile that he always wears was gone....replaced by a blank and emotionless look with not even a shred of warmth in it,his bright blue eyes devoid of life and color and the warmth of the sun in them was replaced by a void of nothingness....

Izentsu:w-w-what...? T-T-Tats-suya-nii-sama? a-are you... alright?

Izentsu was shaking not because of the cold.but with fear and concern for his big elder brother...he has never seen this side of him,he always sees him wearing a smile radiating with warmth thats warmer then the sun
and gentle kind eyes that can give anybody warmth just by looking at,he is seeing the complete opposite of his big elder brother... instead of warmth and gentleness that he feels from his big elder brother all the time.he instead feels coldness and nothingness within him...he was about to speak again when Kurokus jumped in.

Kurokus:hey,bro. that's not very "cool" of you to do you know? Infact shouldn't you act a little "n-ice" to them? cause your kinda making them a little..."blue" right now,heh

Said Kurukos whom is looking at the cold and emotionless Tatsuya.he looked at Tatsuya at his left side his right eye closed meanwhile his left eye isn't.his hands in his jackets pockets and standing beside Tatsuya's right side whilst having a AK-47 at his back .(Kurokus doesn't want to show his brothers about his powers.cause he rather keep it a secret to them and  that Taisin wouldn't train him 24/7)
Tatsuya looked at Kurokus who's looking at him with a calm expression seemingly to tell him to tune down his very terrifying aura within him cause he doesn't like the cold version of him.neither does Tatsuya like that version of himself also... I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me... sorry Kurokus..

Kurokus:naaah.its "spine" Tatsuya it happens,though...*grins* I think we should give Yami a hand since his in a "stick-y" situation,heheh.

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