PART13:did the doctor just speak suracusan?

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Inside an office of Rhodes Island...


?Doctor?:ora, ora non c'è bisogno di fare quella faccia, mi fa male l'anima..
(Now,now there's no need to make that face,it hurts my soul)

The Doctor then raised both of his hands infront of him which made the operators inside or outside of his office tense thinking he might be trying to do something bad.

?Doctor?:non c'è bisogno di puntare quelle dannose lame contro un gentiluomo adesso...
(trans:no need to be pointing those harmful blades to a gentleman now..)

The Doctor said while putting his arms up Infront of him in a calm defensive manner while wearing a calm expression like being pointed by hundreds of blades and guns was a normal thing.The Doctor was giving out calm and mysterious vibes like he was a different person.

Amiya:dokutah..uhm are you alright?

Said amiya,who is slightly concerned about the Doctor, just a second ago the Doctor was screaming of agonizing pain then stopped for just a few seconds and started speaking siracusan in gentleman like tone.the other operators that are outside were also confused,concerned,and surprised?

female lupo operator:huh? WAIT! the Doctor can speak siracusan!?

male lupo operator:daaaamn
didn't know that the Doctor can siracusan in a hot voice of a gentleman

?Doctor?:*smile* perché grazie giovanotto, sono molto orgoglioso del mio modo di parlare, ti piacerebbe conversare con me?
(Trans:why thank you young man I am very proud of my way of speaking,
would you like to converse with me?

male operator:perché ovviamente magari più tardi al bar per te va bene?
(Trans:why of course maybe at the bar later is that alright with you?)

?Doctor?:sarebbe carino
(Trans:That would be lovely)

Amiya:uhm... excuse me..but are you sure that your alright dokutah?

Said amiya who was watching at the two males speaking in siracusan with a with a nervous expression cause she has no idea what their saying what so ever the only ones who knew what they were talking were the lupos that belong to siracusa and the ones who didn't know siracuan language just watch with confused faces and some had a look of amusement.

The Doctor looked at Amiya and smiled before putting one hand behind his back and one hand Infront of his chest before lowing his head and did a bow of apology.

?Doctor?:my apologies young lady for ignoring a fine young lady such as yourself in this fine place... I was to busy on having a delightful conversation with one of your fellow
companions please forgive my rudeness

The Doctor said in a apologetic tone that was clear he was a shame for ignoring the presence of a woman in the room nevertheless a young lady, it's a bad look for a gentleman to ignore a woman.the Doctor then walked Infront and lowered his head to meet her head looking up at him on a nervous way.the Doctor then gently held Amiya's left hand and raised it Infront of lips before giving it a small peck on the knuckles that caught amiya by surprise.



?Doctor?:I hope that you accept this as a sign of apology my young lady...

Everyone was in shocked including amiya though she is too busy in her mind and in a blushing mess to even think.

Male lupo:daaamn my man has that rizz!

Kal'lina:WOAH! that was nice!

Blaze:hello? Amiya? you in there?


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