The Imperial Dragon Keeper

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What do you think they're doing? Lu Yu asked Anh as they ascended again and skirted a low ravine.

He squinted down below. His eyesight wasn't as strong as a dragons. There were at least 100 men camping in the ravine, taking a rest from their labours in the sticky heat. There were great mounds of sand, rock, and timber close to the camp.

I think they're building something. Anh shrugged as they flew off. They shortly came by a path through the ravine. Anh followed the path until he saw it lead to the base of a mountain – the highest mountain in Tai Shan.

They're building a path up the mountain. Lu Yu concluded before gasping so loudly it hurt Anh's ears. She took a sharp turn skyward and made an excitable noise that to anyone else would have sounded like wind chimes. Anh could see them now – Minh Huyn and Bai Xue!

They landed on the peak and Anh slid down Lu Yu in a hurry. Bai Xue skipped and jumped on Lu Yu, bringing her into an excitable embrace. Anh meanwhile shook off the stiffness in his legs and ran through the construction site. Timber and painted marble lay glinting in the sun in a clearing. Behind it was a half-finished pergola, reminiscent of a small, open temple. Minh Huyn was reclining outside where the shade from the wall offered respite from the sun.

"If my ears haven't failed me yet," Minh Huyn said propping himself up onto his elbow. "I'd say that's the mad dash of young Yu Anh?"

"It is!" Anh said falling to his knees and bringing the old man into a hug. The elder Dragon Keeper was not prepared for the sudden weight thrust into his chest. Minh Huyn winced and tapped Anh a few times to encourage him off. "Oh! Sorry Minh Huyn."

"Quite alright." He said breathlessly. Anh took the moment to have a good look at Minh Huyn. His heart sank at the sight of the old man. Age really had caught up. His hair was gone bar a few single strands that held on. His skin was littered with age spots of dark purple and brown, and sagged at his eyes, cheeks and upper chest. Even with his tunic on, Anh could see Minh Huyn was skin and bone.

"For the first time in my life I think I may have found someone skinnier than me."

Minh Huyn chuckled and clapped his hands slowly. His laughter was cut short by a coughing fit that had him bent double. The water, he beckoned.

Anh spotted the flagon inside the scaffolded pergola and brought it to Minh Huyn's lips. The old man drank greedily. His lips were blistered and bloody. Lu Yu and Bai Xue came to their sides. Bai Xue spoke like a soft flute as she looked down at Minh Huyn sadly. He's dying...

Anh sank in front of Minh Huyn and shook his head. No... What are you, like... 180? You still have Huan Chen-Mo's record of 201 years to beat!

The old man smiled, cracking a raw blister on his chapped lips. That was a goal the Haven set out for me. But I think this may be my last day.

Bai Xue and Lu Yu both lowered themselves to the ground, and snuggled into either side of Minh Huyn. Bai Xue rested her head on his skinny thighs. Anh shuffled closer taking the old man's leathery hands into his own. The wrinkles of time in his palms reminded him of his last moments with Gao Zi before he passed. The deja'vu of the moment made him shiver, even though the mid-morning sun was unrelenting.

Are there others here with you? Lu Yu asked.

Bai Xue shook her head. It is only us. Hei Lei would not permit others to leave. I had to beg to accompany Minh Huyn. Bai Xue whined and brought a paw over her face. I will have to return after... Minh Huyn petted Bai Xue. The movement from twisting made him fall into a coughing fit again.

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