Part 19 - Overprotective Garcia's

Start from the beginning

"I told you." Lee said with a smile on his face. Lee didn't like the idea of me and Isaac dating each other in the first place but after a while he got used to it, I'm pretty sure that it was the fact that his brother was happy.

After a few minutes Isaac put be down. "Okay, are we still telling everyone about us?" Isaac asked me.

"Yes, unless you don't want to." I replied wrapping my arms around Isaac's neck and kissing him to which Lee threw a pillow at us. I hadn't realized until now but Lee must have walked over to my bed as he was sitting there.

"Okay, I get that you guys are together but you don't have to kiss every time we aren't around everyone else." Lee said. We all started laughing but were soon interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I knew it wasn't Jackie as she still wasn't here and why would she knock on her bedroom door. Isaac let go of me and walked over to open the door.

"Hey, Katherine wants everyone downstairs for breakfast and to talk about something. What are you doing in y/n and Jackie's room?" Danny asked as he stood at the door.

"I was just making sure she was okay. Since she didn't come home last night." Isaac replied.

"Okay just let her know that she needs to be downstairs in about 5 minutes. Also tell Lee that he needs to be downstairs too if you see him." Danny said as he walked back downstairs. I guess Katherine didn't tell them that I was staying at Ashley's last night.

"Well you heard him." Isaac said walking over to me and Lee who was now standing up. "Time to go downstairs." Isaac added while picking me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

(How He Carried You)

Isaac put you down once you were at the bottom of the stairs as everyone was in the dining room so they didn't see you

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Isaac put you down once you were at the bottom of the stairs as everyone was in the dining room so they didn't see you.

"Okay now that most of us are here, I just wanted to ask how is everyone going with their dishes?" Katherine asked as me, Lee, and Isaac went and sat at the table. Everyone pretty much said that they were almost done, after that Katherine and George went somewhere. The rest of us began eating breakfast.

"Hey, Isaac, Lee, where did you guys run off to before?" Cole asked. I guess he realized that they had left after I got here.

"We went up to our room, then I went to ask y/n where she was last night." Isaac said.

"But when I went up to tell Lee that Katherine need you guys downstairs Lee wasn't in his room." Danny pointed out. "And you also said you didn't know where he was."

Everyone looked at Isaac and Lee waiting for an explanation. "You guys know that we don't keep secrets from each other." Cole said trying to make Lee and Isaac feel guilty for keeping secrets.

"That's cause I didn't know if he was still there or not." Isaac said  slightly pissed off. I put my hand on his thigh to try calm him down. 

"Why don't you guys just mind your own business, it doesn't really matter where Lee was, or if Isaac did or didn't lie." I said just to make sure Isaac didn't do anything stupid. "So can you guys just drop it."

"Why are you defending them? What are you guys hiding from us? Isaac and Lee you guys know that we don't keep secrets from each other, and y/n did you keep secrets from Jackie?" Cole tried to make it seem like I was doing something wrong but I didn't care what he thought. 

"Leave her alone, Cole." Lee said protecting me.

"Yeah, stop being a dick, Cole." Isaac said seeming even more pissed at Cole.

"Oh, stop acting like you actually care about her, Isaac." Cole said to Isaac. "We all know that you only care about yourself and Lee. She means nothing to you." Cole said standing up as Nathan got Jordan, Parker, and Benny out of the dining room while Danny and Alex tried to keep Cole from doing something stupid.

"That's not true and you know it." Isaac said standing up from where he was. Both me and Lee got up making sure Isaac didn't do anything stupid. "You just think that I don't care about anyone other then my brother, but I care about her." Isaac said. I looked over at Cole and it looked like he wanted to fight Isaac. The 2 of them started yelling at each other more and I knew we were gonna do it later but I couldn't think of another way to calm Isaac down, and there was no way I would be able to calm Cole down.

"Isaac, baby, look at me." I said as I put my hand on the side of Isaac's face to make him look at me. After a few seconds Isaac looked down at me and almost instantly calmed down.

"Baby? Wait are you guys dating?" Cole asked still seeming a little pissed but neither me nor Isaac answered or even looked at him.

After a while Isaac ended up calming down and so did Cole. Me, Isaac, and Lee were currently in Isaac and Lee's room. Lee on his bed and me and Isaac on Isaac's bed, I had my head rested on Isaac's shoulder while we were just talking or on our phone's. Until we heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Lee asked not wanting to get off his bed but neither did me or Isaac.

"It's Danny. We're all needed downstairs." Danny informed us.

"Okay, we'll be down soon." Isaac replied.

"And I'm sorry for the way Cole acted earlier." Danny said. I noticed that that Danny usually apologizes for the stuff that Cole does, I think it's cause Cole is too stuck up and doesn't like to apologize for things even if they were his fault.

"It's fine." Isaac replied even though me and Lee both knew it wasn't fine. Danny then left and the rest of us got up and began heading downstairs. When we reached the bottom of the stairs I saw Richard walk into the house with Katherine. I've never had a good relationship with Richard but I always put up with him when Jackie's around.

Lee walked over to the small office as Isaac picked me up and carried me over. I'm a lot closer to the Garcia's then any of the Walter's so Lee and Isaac both said it was fine if I was there when they called their dad. Honestly I didn't really want to be there as I wasn't apart of their family but Isaac wanted me to meet his dad and Lee just likes having me around.

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