19 - Blind leading the blind

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"We've heard of the phrase Blind leading the blind, for this challenge your partner will be the one leading the other person throughout the maze while the other partner is blindfolded" Marie says, wearing a polo shirt and cream pants, and platinum...

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"We've heard of the phrase Blind leading the blind, for this challenge your partner will be the one leading the other person throughout the maze while the other partner is blindfolded" Marie says, wearing a polo shirt and cream pants, and platinum blonde hair in a clean-cut bun watching us intently.

Claire grabs my elbow and spins me around to face her. "I think it's best for me and you to do this together."

I watch as Claire flashes that famous smile that could make a mistake, slip up, or harsh words disappear and act as if it never did happen.

"No, I think it's best that you play this challenge with Catherine you had no problem going up against me anyway" I pause. "Unless you don't have what it takes to win."

Claire releases my elbow and goes to find Catherine, inspecting my forearm seeing deep nail marks in my skin, and roll my eyes.

"I think me and you should play this game together"Bridget says, handing me the blindfold to put over her eyes.

"I agree, I don't think I want to make up with Claire anyway" I reply, putting on the blindfold standing right by her side, and holding her hand gently.

Faint whispers, laughter, and strategies come together in my mind to disrupt Claire and her little friendship with Catherine.

"Ladies, you may begin the challenge" Marie announces, her voice rings out into the open space of the maze a flock of birds flying together in one second on one accord.

Watching as the girls that are blindfolded struggle to make moves throughout the maze, the sense of sight is no longer an option but to follow the partner's voice.

"Hey, Bridget keep walking straight then turn right" I say, only a few feet away from her and keeping my eyes out for anyone ready to destroy this.

Bridget nods, watching as her hands feel through the bushes for any item to claim but finds none and takes careful steps.

Seeing Catherine in another maze gives me a mischievous smile at me as a fair warning that she is ready to use any shortcut possible to win this challenge.

"Watch out, Bridget!" I yell, loud enough for her to heed my words and her body jerks back in full caution.

A jagged pocket knife in Claire's right hand swinging wildly cuts Bridget's right cheek drawing blood wearing a wide smile like a clown preying on innocent children.

"Oops, my bad I didn't mean to do that Vivian you understand, don't you?" Catherine says, her words soaking in pity and fake empathy giving a sorrowful face towards me.

"Oh, I'm sure you didn't mean it like that you psycho" I answer, staring right back at her and letting her know that she isn't fooling anyone but herself.

Bridget's figure disappears around the corner hands searching quickly through the bushes, while sweat causes her clothes to stick close to her body under the warm heat.

"I got it" Bridget mumbles under her breath with a small smile on her rosy lips.

Claire rounds the corner and tackles Bridget to the ground almost taking the crown out of her grasp, then Bridget's head butts her and makes her way to the water fountain.

"Move a little to the right and walk up three steps forward" I say, almost out of breath from running across the finish line.

Watching as Bridget places the crown into Marie's hand and she leans in her ear to whisper something.

"Now, I wonder where Chase is I haven't seen or heard from him" I say, following the arrows towards the West wing and searching for his room number.

Only a few inches away from his door, a maid comes by grabbing me by the arm harshly her nails marking marks into my skin.

"I assure you, Ms. Hawthorne that Mr. Lincoln can't have any visitors at this time" Maid pauses. "Let's give him some time alone."

The maid says wearing a tight smile on her face quickly turning me away from getting any closer to Chase's room.

"Well, I hope so for your sake if anything goes wrong with him the public wouldn't be happy about it" I reply, meeting her gaze eyes staring deeply into her soul to instill just enough fear to make her bones shake within her skin.


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  Happy Saturday! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter    what are your thoughts about it?

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