09 - Looks are deciving

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The moon stays high in the sky and the twinkling of the stars accompanies it so beautifully. Tree branches bend downward and great fog hovers amongst the woods.

Me and the rest of the heirs standing under the balcony, then cast our focus back up. Wind whistles through the trees and light comes from the front window.

Mr& Mrs. Wellington step out onto the balcony, wearing silk pajamas taking a sip of wine, and casts a steady look among us all.

"Tonight we'll be taking a break from future challenges" Mr. Wellington paused. "But, tonight you'll be playing a children's game Hide & Seek."

"But" Mrs. Wellington interrupts, "there's gonna be a fun little twist, and listen carefully to the rules for your sakes."

A little laugh escapes from her lips and the wind blows through her blonde hair, resting her arms on the railing.


1) Stick with your partner
2) Don't make any noise
3) Stay closer together and stay alive
4) if a gunshot is heard find a hiding spot
5) This game may or may not result in your death.

Looking off into the far right, there's a guest house with a light on and a woman rocking her baby from the window, then draws the curtains in and turns off the light.

"What the hell?" I mutter under my breath and turn my attention back to the rest of the heirs.

"I volunteer that we play rock, paper, scissors, or enie meanie mo" Daniel suggests, with full confidence and pleading with his eyes for everyone to join in.

"You know what Danny I'm sure no one wants to play that now" Ashton pauses. "But me and Chase will join you isn't that right Chase?"

"Hmmm? Oh yeah sure so who wants to do the countdown?" Chase asks, looking around the group of people.

Faint echoes of the wind whipping through the trees, and faint shadows of the moon disappear and reappears with the heavy cover of clouds. Sounds of crickets make the woods a lot creepier at night.

"I volunteer," Claire said, her brunette hair in a neat bun and wearing casual clothes as if she knows what would take place.

Immediately without a second to waste Chase takes my hand and we sprint through the open woods, then stop at a tree that's hidden far enough from the others.

Panting heavily, resting my head against the tree and looking up at the midnight sky, and then hear a twig snap.

Stop breathing. Don't make a sound this is more than a childish game anymore, be quiet, be still, and do anything to win.

Chase comes down from his standing position and gets down at my level, playing with his silver ring, taking in deep breaths to steady his rapid heartbeat.

"Is there anyone out there?" I whisper, slightly looking out behind Chase's head and can't quite tell.

"Okay guys come out wherever you are, I promise you I won't do anything to hurt you," Claire said, while the familiar jingle of her charm bracelet rings wherever she goes.

A sudden figure runs through the trees, then the person stops right next to our hiding spot. Now, there's two options wait here like sitting ducks or make a run for it.

"It's Catherine" Chase paused. "When I count to three me and you will run."

I nod at his plan, but see Catherine's shadow and her childishly holding a gun, maybe this is just a game to her.

A few minutes pass by slowly and it's painful to endure, then take off in a full spring running off into the distance never looking back.

"Wait Catherine," Claire yells in an urgent tone.

But, it's too late the sound of the gun goes off and a flock of birds soar off into the dark sky, a body falls to the ground. Off in the distance, a blood-curdling scream echoes into the late hour of the night, now ingrains itself into my mind.

A/N This is a late upload, but what are your thoughts on the cliffhanger for this chapter I would love to know your thoughts!

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A/N This is a late upload, but what are your thoughts on the cliffhanger for this chapter I would love to know your thoughts!

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