16 - Recovery period

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The early sunrise pierces through the see-through curtains and I sit up too quickly wincing slightly in pain

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The early sunrise pierces through the see-through curtains and I sit up too quickly wincing slightly in pain.

Turning my eyes toward the bedroom door and see three heads poking out looking at me. Jean, Ashton, and Daniel watching me carefully to see if it's okay to come closer.

Ashton strolls into the room in his pajamas and jumps onto the bed almost landing close to my injury.

"You know you scared me with all that blood and you passing out after you won with Vivian" Ashton pauses. "Did you two cheat by any chance?"

"What? No, I don't cheat unless I'm in a desperate situation" I pause. "But, I know that you want to win isn't that why you're here, Ashton?"

My eyes looking at his not to intimidate him, no it's to remind him of why the two of us came here in the first place, but sometimes things don't go to plan especially with mine.

A finger pokes my cheek and going in to bite the finger, Daniel retracts his finger and legs out a yelp.

"Eww, I don't want your germs on me that's very disgusting by the way," Daniel says, giving me an unpleasant expression on his face with little freckles embracing the sunlight.

"Oh okay, well then don't poke my cheek and were you worried that something happened to me, Danny?" I ask, lying back down into the comfy sheets despite the shuddering pain.

"I wasn't" Daniel answers immediately turning away and crossing his arms swiftly.

Jean manages to slip past Daniel and goes out to the balcony, letting the cool morning breeze settle into his skin and sink into his bones.

"Don't worry Chase, even if Golden Boy doesn't want to admit it, I did miss you a lot" Ashton pauses. But, did you hear what happened to Benjamin it's truly awful.

"Hmmm, I don't care to hear what happened to him, never been a fan of him anyway"I respond, seeing a look of amusement on Ashton's face, and then nods at my words.

Then, Ashton leads himself and Daniel out of the bedroom locking the door. Jean enters into the bedroom with a solemn expression.

"Look, you should know I didn't want to stab you that many times, and I had no choice in the matter," Jean says, with heavy sleepy bags under his eyes looking like he hasn't gotten any sleep for days.

"I'm aware of that, but you don't seem like one for violence but rather for mind games, playing with people mentally," I say, sitting up straighter with a faint smile on my face.

Jean increasing his footsteps to the foot of the bed, my eyes watching him closely just waiting for the next move.

"I wonder, just how did your mind ever reach that conclusion?" Jean asks, a bit curious about how my mind could ever go that far in that way.

"Wouldn't you like to know, but since I don't trust you yet I'd like to be left alone" I said.

Checking twice for the bedroom door to lock and recover a piece of paper from under my pillow.

Get well soon partner in crime
Your favorite Hawthorne,

"Well, well Vivian you're truly something else" I whisper to myself bringing a soft smile to my lips.

"Well, well Vivian you're truly something else" I whisper to myself bringing a soft smile to my lips

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Hi! This is a really short chapter hope you guys enjoy it!

Happy April to everyone!

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