28 - Young love

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Please note that this chapter will be told from Vivian's point of view. Thank you!

The wind whipped past us as we ran down the staircase hands intertwined with each other, chandelier dimmed lights added into the background of our late-night encounter for another moment that lasted longer than it should've.

"You know if I knew that you were gonna be this slow I would've carried you instead" Chase spoke, looked over his shoulder, and gave me a pitiful look.

"One, I'm chasing after you in pretty high heels, plus you're forgetting the guards that patrol around here" I replied, inched closer to his tail until a flashing light caught us.

The flashlight brightened as it came closer to us and Chase grabbed my hand headed in the opposite direction slipped through the back door, with cold air nipped at my body through the thin fabric.

"Of all nights, I just had to pick this dress to wear tonight I should've known I'd be in the cold later on," I said, braced my body against the brick wall and moonlight shone over my face then disappeared back into the clouds.

"But you look so beautiful in that dress" Chase paused. "Maybe that's why the moonlight shines on you to acknowledge such a sight as you."

I smiled. Twisted my fairly new promise ring on my ring finger then punched him hard in his side.

"Seriously, you decided to be romantic right now I'm still cold" I responded, rolled eyes, tired feet, and ankles.

He moved closer to me, his hands covered mine, and pressed them together to give needed warmth to mine for a moment or two.

"Come here," Chase said, took my hand in his led me underneath the Willow tree.

A blanket laid out on the wet grass with a bowl filled with chocolate-covered strawberries while we watched the distant stars in the sky twinkled on their own accord.

"Wait," Chase paused. "Here I know you hate being cold."

He placed the suit jacket over my bare shoulder and his free arm brought my body close to his. Laid my head on his chest and heard his heartbeat beat at a rapid speed then slowed down as if I was his sense of rhythm.

"Have you ever thought about what life would be like if you weren't a Lincoln?" I asked, raised my head away from his chest, and looked into his eyes for answers.

His eyes continued to stare at the starry night sky and breathed out a deep heavy sigh that he'd been holding far too long.

"I'd leave this kind of life behind live in the countryside or a remote area, have a family, and grow old with you that's the kind of life I want" Chase paused. "But, I know that I'm not guaranteed to have that kind of life."

My eyes widened in shock and disbelief all mixed into one, I never took Chase to take to countryside living or live remotely it felt like it was outside of his character.

Popped another chocolate-covered strawberry into my mouth savored the sweet and savory taste on my tongue. The chilled wind breezed closer to my body and raised goosebumps all over.

"I didn't take you as someone to live in the countryside, we could always live off the grid in the North District anyway" I replied.

Pulled the suit jacket closer to my body against the frigid weather, but it's no use pierced through my skin like skinny shards of glass.

"Let's go back inside it's getting a bit chilly out here, "Chase said.

Made our way through the back door of the manor and walked quietly so as to not wake up anyone found asleep. Waltzed into the common room and headed closer to the fireplace heat surged through my body from head to toe.

He leaned in closer to me and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I love you so much, Vivian Hawthorne you can't fathom the love I have for you," Chase said.

"I love you too, Chase Lincoln," I said, rested my head against his chest listened to his heartbeat, and closed my eyes to stay in his embrace for the rest of the night.

"I love you too, Chase Lincoln," I said, rested my head against his chest listened to his heartbeat, and closed my eyes to stay in his embrace for the rest of the night

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Hey, thank you guys for tuning in for this late update for Golden Spoon!

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