24 - Hide & Seek

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                            CHASE LINCOLN

Hide & Seek is a childhood favorite tonight the stakes will be higher than ever when a dead body is found on the manor grounds.

Finding Vivian pressing her hands against the blood pouring out of Claire's chest to stop the blood from flowing as the moonlight casts a shadow over her face.

"Let's go, Vivian we can't be seen near her, or else people will think that you killed her," I say, gently grabbing her shoulders and leading her away from Claire's dead body, away from the consequences that could follow her.

"Okay," Vivian says, her bloody hands hanging on either side and aimlessly following my footsteps.
Stopping at a nearby bench with a Willow tree hovering over us, watching Vivian's eyes cold and numb as if she doesn't want to feel anything but I know that she doesn't want to fall apart here in the open.

"Vivian, why did you want to save Claire" I pause. "Even though you knew she couldn't be saved."

The chill wind rustles through the trees as the clouds pass over the moon playing hide & seek, faint footsteps down back at the maze.

"It's stupid, I shouldn't want to save her and leave her to die alone no one would care, but I still find myself caring for someone I shouldn't" Vivian responds, as light wind passes through her hair and falls back into place perfectly.

"Vivian," I say softly, looking at the water fountain and back at her. "There's nothing wrong with you caring even though the way she treated you wasn't right."

She nods clenching and unclenching her hands in a constant motion, eyes watching the bright moon and tiny stars in the sky.

"We need to go back before they start suspecting where we went off to," Vivian said.

Before even making our way back to the maze, a couple of security guards blowing whistles and ushering people to go inside the manor urgently.

Grabbing Vivian's hand and going through the back entrance of the manor quickly weaving through the hallways and decide to leave her at her wing, disappearing back to my own.

"Do you know where Daniel is?" Ashton asks, breathing heavily and eyes darting all over the place frantically.

"No, I haven't seen him isn't he your partner" I pause. "When was the last time you saw him?"

"Well, we were hiding in the maze and everything was fine until all of a sudden he's not there anymore" Ashton pauses, suddenly stopping his words. "Oh god, I hope nothing bad happens to him."

I nod and take a few moments to think of a plan. Sounds of fast footsteps roaming through every wing possible and bodyguards rotating every few seconds.

"Okay, Ashton you go look for him outside in the maze while I look for him here in the manor, then send me a note under the door if you do," I say, looking into his eyes with conviction and having a gut feeling that something or someone did something to him.

Ashton runs off into the distance and the chaotic scene of the night, as I make my way to my bedroom taking off my tie, shoes, and socks letting my bare feet touch the wooden floors.

Tick...tock...tick...tock....tick....tock as the clock above my head makes that noise makes me feel uneasy and my nerves spike high with each passing moment.

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