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Chapter 3: Snowball Fight Fun

The morning after Christmas, Jungkook peered out the window to find a fresh blanket of snow covering the world. An idea sparked in his mischievous mind. "Jimin, how about a friendly snowball fight?"

Jimin raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming. "You're on, Kookie."

They bundled up in warm jackets and scarves, stepping into the winter wonderland outside. Jungkook scooped up a handful of snow and threw the first snowball, narrowly missing Jimin.

Jimin retaliated with a perfectly aimed snowball, hitting Jungkook right on target. "Direct hit!" Jimin laughed.

Jungkook feigned shock, pretending to stumble in the snow. "Oh, you're going down, Jiminie!"

The snowy battlefield became a playground of laughter and playful banter. Jungkook chased Jimin around trees, both of them dodging and throwing snowballs with abandon.

"Is that the best you've got, Kookie?" Jimin teased, ducking behind a snow-covered bush.

Jungkook smirked, forming a snowball with a twinkle in his eye. "Prepare for the ultimate snowball!"

Suddenly, Jimin launched a surprise attack, covering Jungkook in a flurry of snow. "Gotcha, Kookie!"

They collapsed in the snow, laughing breathlessly. "You're sneaky, Jiminie," Jungkook admitted.

Jimin grinned, brushing snow off Jungkook's hair. "I learned from the best."

As they walked back inside, cheeks flushed from the cold, Jungkook pulled Jimin into a warm embrace. "Who knew a snowball fight could be so much fun?"

Jimin chuckled, nuzzling into Jungkook's neck. "With you, everything is an adventure."


ps. Since I wasn't able to upload yesterday, I'll be updating 4x (4 times) today. 2 chapters in the morning, and another 2 chapter for later's Christmas eve 🫶💜

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