☃︎ Chapter 12 ☃︎

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It was the next day and it was finally the day of snoggletog, the ground being covered in snow with it still falling, Vikings exchanging different gifts and even Yaknog.

Of course, Astrid made the yaknog, and it wasn't the best so you didn't plan to actually eat any of it.

Fishlegs had already thrown up the yaknog, and Gobber did earlier too.

No one actually told her that it was really bad.

Currently, you and frostbite were with nuffink and zephyr, with all three nightlights beside the four of you, being Ruffrunner, Dart and Pouncer.

Dart was the female nightlight, while ruffrunner and pouncer were the male ones.

You could tell due to their eye colours, dart having blue and the other two having green just like toothless.

You were waiting for Hiccup and Astrid to come back, as they were currently giving people some yaknog and a few gifts.

"How about we try not to get sick, Huh?" You asked, raising an eyebrow as you watched nuffink and zephyr who were laying down in the snow comfortably.

Frostbite roared at the two of them and flapped his wings a little and swayed his tail, snow getting onto their clothing from that alone.

Pouncer jumped onto nuffink, using his small tail to brush snow onto him while dart ran around Zephyr in circles, Ruffrunner being much more laid back and simply being sat beside Frostbite and you.

"Come on, Y/n! Frostbite is a dragon that lives in the snow, and frostbite doesn't get sick!" Nuffink argued with you playfully from the ground.

"Yeah! You lived in the snow, and I doubt you ever got sick!" Zephyr said, sitting up as she crossed her arms.

"Well- Yeah- I got sick for the first year there a lot until I got used to it! You two don't really have an immunity to getting sick from the cold like Frostbite!" You explained to them, before seeing Valka and Eret walk over.

"Grandma!" Zephyr said, and sprung up to go hug her.

"Hello!" Nuffink exclaimed, getting up and waving to the both of them.

"Hey, Nuffink!" Eret said, immediately scooping him up.

"Happy Snoggletog, Y/n!" Valka told you, nodding to you as she picked up Zephyr with little to no struggle.

She was actually rather strong, which was something you expected from the original dragon rider who had spent years on her own at a mini war with drago before he was drowned and killed by his own bewilderbeast.

Zephyr was just like her mother, while nuffink was just like his father.

"Yeah, happy snoggletog to you two." You responded to them, nodding a little bit as Frostbite roared at Cloudjumper and skullcrusher who were following them.

Cloudjumper roared back, standing a little straighter as the rumblehorn beside him roared at Nuffink and Zephyr in greeting, before roaring at dart, Pouncer and Ruffrunner in greeting too.

"Come With us, everyone's gathered around near Stoick's statue." Valka hummed at you, and waved both you and frostbite to follow her and Eret.

Nuffink and Zephyr giggled as they got up and almost immediately began to run alongside the two of them, with dart, Pouncer and Ruffrunner doing the exact same.

You followed them with frostbite, and spotted a bunch of Vikings simply having a good time with their dragons all while being around Stoick's statue.

It was something to remember stoick the vast by, as you hadn't seen him in an extremely long while, and you didn't even have a chance to meet him before he died due to a plasma blast sent by toothless.

Gothi looked to you and nodded, Frostbite roaring at her happily as the several terrible terrors were gathered around her.

She had a purple Gronckle beside her, who roared a little bit and flapped its wings once frostbite had walked towards them.

"Happy snoggletog, Y/n. I'm sure it's a lil' different compared to what you're usually doing out on snoggletog when you're on your usual islands." Gobber said, walking over to you as Gothi wrote something in the ground using her staff.

You were surprised at how gothi outlived most Vikings you had met back in the days when you lived on old Berk.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's one of the more different ones for frostbite too, but I'm sure he doesn't really mind it being a little different for him. Less flying." You told Gobber, putting weight on one foot as Frostbite walked to you, nudging your shoulder with his head.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go get you some fish." You sighed a little bit, waving to Gobber as you left the group in general, beginning to walk towards where the fish was.

Several dragons were running around a little bit near the barrels, and a few night terrors ran to you and began to walk alongside you.

The night terrors enjoyed your presence, even if they were the ones who ratted you out to the entirety of Berk when you first arrived here.

"Have as much as you'd like, Frostbite, there's plenty and I couldn't care less about fish stocks on Berk." I hummed, opening the barrel as Frostbite immediately tipped it over to eat out of it.

The Night Terrors and terrible terrors also ate, only the fish that had fully slid out of the barrel and would most likely eat the scraps from Frostbites eating habits.

There was a few Hobgobbler's around Gobber, which you found rather odd, but you didn't really want to ask Gobber about it.

He'd most likely start telling some long story and you'd probably fall asleep halfway and then get blasted at by Frostbite to wake up or something.

You didn't plan to enter that state.

"so, I assume we're gonna do this next year too?" You asked him, smiling a little bit.

Frostbite took his head out of the barrel and roared at you, wings flapping and tail in the air, several bumps along his scale being noticeable.

He nodded a little bit and roared, seeming to like the whole thing of being at Berk for snoggletog.

It was different, and the both of you enjoyed it.

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