☃︎ Chapter 3 ☃︎

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It was the next day, and you and Frostbite were currently outside the cave and hanging out on an icy ledge on the island.

Frostbite had decided he just wanted to stay outside the whole day with you, at least until a blizzard picked up or something.

You were now leaned back on the ledge, your feet dangling, frostbite being sat beside you and looked at the sunrise.

"Tomorrow we'll head to berk to see if we can see what's going on there and maybe cause some problems?" You asked, tilting your head at Frostbite to see if he'd like the idea.

Snoggletog was in about ten days, which didn't worry you in the slightest.

You had everything covered at the moment which was fine.

Frostbite roared in agreement, nodding at you.

You grinned back at the dragon, patting him on one of his many ridges that were on his back.

"I think Berk has dragons, so we're gonna be extra careful when we do stuff, because I don't want to get into any unnecessary duels with random dragons." You told your dragon.

Your armour was on at the moment, but the helmet was set aside.

You were still a little on edge about the whole dragon thing at Berk, since the last time you had seen Berk, they were all about killing dragons to bring peace to the Vikings.

Doesn't really seem like a dragon friendly island.

"I'd say it's gonna take about 2 days until we get to Berk from here, and maybe a few hours to actually start causing some problems there once we're on the island." You said, putting your hands together, leaning forward a little to look at the water that was directly under your feet.

If you fell, it'd be game over.

You doubted frostbite would let that happen, but you never knew with a dragon like him.

"Then we can try and see if we can make it to the Meatheads, but we're obviously gonna have to bring you some food too if we're gonna be off the island for that long." You said.

You grabbed the dagger that was set on your hip, beginning to swing it around in circles for fun as Frostbite's eyes and head followed it, his attention now on the dagger, but still listening to what you were going to continue saying.

"Or do you want to go to Bog-Burglar island? That might be a better idea and a better switch." You hummed, nodding to yourself.

Frostbite then took his attention of the dagger and roared in confusion.

He didn't hear.

What else could you expect?

"Really, Frostbite?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

Frostbite raised his wings and roared at you in defence, tail slapping against the ground.

"Okay- after we go to Berk and finish what we're gonna do there, do you want to head to Bog-Burglar island instead of Meatheads? Or do you want to do something different entirely?" You questioned, tilting your head and raising an eyebrow, hoping that he didn't somehow lose his focus as soon as you said that.

The Snow Wraith roared in response and thought for a little bit, before roaring and nodding.

This indicated he'd rather go to Bog-Burglar island right after the both of you went to Berk.

You haven't heard much about the island, though you have heard a few things about what went on there in the past.

Apparently a bunch of wars happened and Berk was involved and some sort of villain was too.

You didn't really pay attention to news like that.

You couldn't care less about Viking wars, since they were usually because of the most petty things.

Vikings were petty in general.

Once the sun fully came up, the sound of wind howling could be heard as the wind began to pick up violently.

The air around you got colder.


Frostbite roared at you and raised his wings quickly to alert you about this, before you got up and climbed onto his back.

Frostbite loved being out in the blizzards, but you didn't.

He'd accommodate for you just this once, but you wouldn't be surprised if next time he just left you on your own in a snow pile to wait the blizzard out.

Frostbite roared, taking to the skies rather quickly, looking around for several heat signatures on the ground to quickly survey the island.

"Let's try not to get ourselves frozen in the blizzard before snoggletog comes around, that sound good to you?" You asked the dragon, raising an eyebrow as you pat the side of his head.

Frostbite let his head tilt to the side and back a little bit, before roaring and picking up the pace.

Frostbite roared.

He immediately began to dive, and you assumed he was going for the tunnels to get back into the glacier that you and him resides in for the time being.

You were right.

He dove into the tunnel, and your view was cleared again, which meant you and him managed to get out of the blizzard.

Tomorrow there would be fresh snow for you and Frostbite to walk on.

Frostbite continued flying, before pulling up into the glacier that you and him slept in at night.

It was the middle of the day right now, so that meant you and Frostbite would most likely spend the rest of the day packing and making sure you had everything before you and him got going for Berk.

You couldn't wait for snoggletog, as you knew this snoggletog would most likely turn out to be rather special to you.

You had a gut feeling that this snoggletog would be better than some of the others you had.

Not like the one in berserker island when the first blizzard rolled in and the berserkers started throwing stuff into the sky, or when you were at Wingmaiden island and the adult Razorwhips started chasing both you and Frostbite out of the sky.

Those were some of the worst ones you've had in your years.

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