☃︎ Chapter 7 ☃︎

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It was technically the next day at the moment, and you tied up on the ground, directly on the snow.

Snoggletog was in a few days, and you were on New Berk at the moment.

There were several dragons along with their riders near you.

This was a mess.

You had managed to get yourself caught by several Berkian dragon riders, which wasn't the best thing at the moment.

Frostbite had a bola around his mouth and he was audibly growling a little bit, snarling at the several dragons, whipping his head around quickly to examine the area and who was there.

The dragons there were a night fury, monstrous nightmare, Deadly nadder, stormcutter, rumblehorn, Hotburple, gronckle, hideous zippleback and a light fury off to the side

There were several Vikings too.

You had your armour on and you were currently aching all over the place after being hit by the rumblehorn from earlier and carried all the way back to Berk via Talons.

Frostbite was most likely aching too, and you were completely sure that he wouldn't be happy once he got out.

Earning a dragon and a riders trust wasn't really achieved by capturing them and tying them up.

You absolutely hated this.

Being captured by your ex-affiliation wasn't the best display of your luck, but it was an amazing display of how bad your luck got when it was you and frostbite together, and that said something about you.

You leaned back against Frostbite's body, as he was slightly crouched, though his wings were bound to him so that he couldn't flap them.

"Who are you?" The woman beside the Deadly nadder asked, raising her eyebrow as she put an axe through your throat.

By now, you had memorized dragon names and overall names.

The man who rode the gronckle was Fishlegs Ingerman, The man who rode one zippleback Head was tuffnut, The man who rode the monstrous nightmare was Snotlout, the man on the Rumblehorn was Eret, and the man on the Night Fury was Hiccup.

You remembered Hiccup and Snotlout, Hiccup Being the son of stoick, you remembering him from a bounty. You remembered Snotlout from hearing about him when he had raided one of Viggo Grimborn's dragon auctions.

The woman who rode the Deadly nadder was Astrid, the woman who rode one of the zippleback heads was Ruffnut, and the woman on the stormcutter was Valka.

You had remembered Valka, as you heard of her name several times before, but the other two you had no recollection of at all.

You heard of her stormcutter too.

You even heard of the Night Fury, Toothless was his name if you remembered correctly.

The Night Fury was called toothless, The gronckle was called Meatlug, The monstrous nightmare was Hookfang, The Deadly nadder was stormfly, the hideous zippleback was barf and belch, the rumblehorn was skullcrusher and the stormcutter was Cloudjumper.

There was a Light Fury stood off to the side, which you found rather odd.

Why was there a light Fury there?

Your train of thought was cut off when you felt more pressure on your neck from an extremely sharp and cold object.

It was the middle of winter, of course it was cold.

The axe was being pressed down on your neck, and even through the armour it felt cold.

"Who are you?" Astrid pressed, narrowing her eyes at you.

You only tilted your head in response, trying your best possible way not to tell her.

You'd rather have your head cut off than have them all know your name, along with your history with Berk.

"Guys! Guys! Wait!" Hiccup yelled, running towards the group with a man beside him and a hotburple.

This man you recognized as 'Gobber the belch'.

You knew him from long ago.

Very long.

"Gobber? What have you found?" Valka asked, turning around as Cloudjumper roared at her.

Stormfly kept her eyes on you along with Ruffnut and tuffnut.

"Cool mask." Tuffnut said, snickering.

"Cool dragon." Ruffnut added, snorting.

You nodded to the two of them, before looking at Gobber.

Gobber walked closer, limping on his wooden leg a little bit as his Hotburple began to sniff at his hand.

"Cut it out, Grump!" Gobber said, accent rather heavy.

So the Hotburple's name was 'grump', Huh?

You looked to the rumblehorn, who went closer and roared a little bit, before looking to frostbite who snarled in response, lashing his tail.

You looked back at Frostbite, frostbite locking eyes with you.

"If anyone on berserker island isn't as crazy as everyone thinks, which I doubt, I actually once-" Gobber was cut off, flipping through pages of a book with the skrill on it.

It was a book written by a berserker, obviously a few years back.

Oh no.

"Get to the point." Snotlout said, rolling his eyes.

"Let the viking talk." Eret told him, punching Snotlout in the arm a little.

They obviously had some sort of rivalry going on.

Meatlug roared, looking to grump as both boulder class dragons roared at each other.

"They're here for Snoggletog! the Snow Wraith too." Gobber summarized it, rolling his eyes at how quickly Snotlout wanted this to be over with.

Valka looked to you again, the light fury looking to frostbite as toothless did the same.

Frostbite stopped growling once Toothless looked at him, letting his head go off to the side, growling a little bit.

Toothless roared at Frostbite, and frostbite would've roared back if there wasn't a tight net around his mouth.

"So you're the rider whose went around each snoggletog causing blizzards and chaos?" Astrid said, turning her head to you.

"A Snow Wraith! I don't have much on Snow Wraiths-" Fishlegs said, before getting cut off by Tuffnut.

"Too much talking!" Tuffnut whined and complained, rolling his eyes.

Valka laughed a little bit, looking to Tuffnut.

"Come on, Tuff! This is where the nut family gets their fame!" Ruffnut told him, banging their heads together, making Tuffnut fall over.

Barf and belch roared, Doing the same, but not falling over.

Hookfang looked at them in confusion.

Astrid sighed, slightly frustrated.

"Twins, take them somewhere else where they can't escape, we'll deal with this later." Astrid sighed.


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