☃︎ Chapter 4 ☃︎

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It was now the next day, you and frostbite were currently on the other side of your shared island, as the two of you were simply having fun outside.

Actually, it was mainly frostbite who was having fun at the moment.

Snoggletog was in over 5 days.

Frostbite had dragged you outside to go out in the snow with you so you were now stuck with being outside with him.

He was on top of the snow, letting it crunch under his claws before he had kicked it up a little bit.

You knew that he absolutely loved the snow and the cold weather, which was understandable.

He was apart of a species that practically thrived in the snow, which was something that you knew upon first discovering him.

Berk didn't have much on Snow Wraith's when you first looked into it, but you did at the current time and moment.

It was weird how Berk didn't have much on any strike class dragons in general, and usually the whole deal with that was because no one lived to actually tell anyone about it.

You believed that part much.

Both you and Frostbite have met other snow wraiths along with heard stories about them, and they sounded absolutely terrifying when you didn't have a dragon to back you up in certain encounters with them.

Even when you've seen frostbite attacking dragon hunters and dragon hunting ships with you.

You were extremely lucky that you had found frostbite instead of growing up and becoming some sort of dragon hunter.

You wouldn't wanna be anyone whose crossed paths with a strike class dragon and angered one in the process.

"Come on, Frostbite! You're not even doing anything other than running around in the snow, you can't be that bored, you're a dragon for Thor's sake!" You said, rolling your eyes and smiling at your dragon.

The Snow Wraith roared at you and flapped his wings defensively before running over to you and going closer.

His body had many small studs and bumps, along with his chin, legs and tail, while he had small spine-like frills on the side of his head.

He had white scales with slightly light blue eyes, and it was a face you had grown used to seeing every time you woke up over the past few years of your life with him.

It wasn't that hard living with a dragon when it trusted you so much, and when you practically grew up with them.

"Tomorrow we're going to be leaving to head to Berk and then make our rounds around the archipelago before snoggletog, yeah?" You asked him, patting the small horn on his nose a little bit.

He roared in agreement, spreading his wings before lowering himself a little bit to offer you a ride, which you assumed it would be back to the cave.

You sighed and got onto his back rather quickly, not really caring for a saddle at the moment, as you rarely ever used one when you and him were flying together without any intention of going at high speeds.

He didn't usually like wearing a saddle anyways.

You had gotten used to riding on his back without any sort of saddle, since you've done it so often now.

You also didn't quite trust yourself actually making a saddle of your own, and usually the saddles that you might find at the northern market were too big or too small, and none of them really accommodated for Snow Wraith's small details on their scales.

It was also rather rare to find saddles anyways, and usually they were used for the more docile and easier to train dragons such as deadly nadders and gronckles who could be trained well.

Frostbite quickly took flight and began to fly around the island quickly, and you noticed that he was heading straight for the tunnel and the opening that wold go there.

He began to dive and go into the tunnel, roaring a little bit as he turned his head to face you, you smiled at him and pat the side of his head before continuing to fly, heading into several different tunnels.

All of them were made by him or past snow wraiths, sometimes even whispering deaths that came by, as they usually did.

It just depended on the size of the tunnel, since whispering deaths were much bigger and snow wraiths were much smaller compared to both dragons.

They also had different methods of flying and navigating the area, as Whispering deaths tended to simply drill wherever they were going and mainly head for the light.

Snow wraiths simply got to wherever they were going the fastest too, but they did it in a way where it'd be slightly complex so that most couldn't find it.

Sooner or later you were in the cave again, and he had made a slightly bad landing, as he had kicked up the ice and scratched it at the same time, causing small cracks, but it was fine.

"We've got to work on that landing when you touch ice, Frostbite." You said, swinging your leg back over him and getting off of his back, leaving frostbite to do whatever he wished.

Frostbite roared in response to this and extended his wings with little to no care, looking to your armour that was set down on the 'table' near him before looking to the barrel of fish that was in the corner.

You sighed and walked over to it, opening the top before tossing him at least five fish, which he all managed to catch in his mouth and eat it.

Fish was most likely his favourite foods, and although you didn't eat fish much, you didn't really blame him for it.

"Now, frostbite, in the morning we've got to be up early, so you better not start taking midnight trips while I'm asleep, yeah?" You asked him, raising an eyebrow.

Frostbite roared back at you in response, disliking how you called him out on it.

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