☃︎ Chapter 8 ☃︎

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It was the next day, and snoggletog was in a few days.

But right now, you and frostbite were caught and captured by berkians.

Now, you were sat down on he ground with frostbite directly next to you, growling a little bit at the several humans who were around the both of you.

You knew their names and the dragons names by now.

Proof of the selective memory you had, as there were times where it was absolutely amazing and then completely went downhill from those moments.

"I do wonder how exactly they managed to gain the trust of a Snow wraith, from all dragons they could've trained." Valka said, looking at the both of you.

Cloudjumper roared in agreement, Meatlug and her offspring, fishmeat, Doing the exact same from beside fishlegs.

"It might've been a baby thing, like how heather managed to train windshear." Hiccup guessed, looking to the both of you.

"And how I managed to form a bond with wingnut!" Ruffnut exclaimed happily, barf and belch roaring.

Wingnut must've been a razorwhip, as you heard what wingmaiden island did and how it was done.

You assumed they knew the wingmaidens, specifically Atali to have managed to get themselves a razorwhip and a direct bond with the wingmaidens.

Frostbite and you had met the women a few years back and actually formed some sort of mutual friendship too.

Of course, that didn't save them from the blizzards you had caused about a few years later.

"I want to know how exactly they're able to live in such cold temperatures for days on end with barley any protection." Eret stated, raising an eyebrow.

It was actually pretty easy.

You had gotten used to it from the moment you stepped into the island, as there was really no other choice with both you and frostbite.

Frostbite needed a cold climate to be comfortable, and you were perfectly fine with that, as you were comfortable in such climates too.

Any good dragon rider would take extensive measures to keep their dragon, healthy, happy and comfortable instead of forcing them to switch up.

Same with having a dragon that ate other dragons.

Like a deathsong, or even trying to pacify a scauldron.

Those dragons ate other dragons, and it was a simple diet.

"What if we just kept them until snoggletog to save the other islands a day of fear?" Astrid suggested, walking over to the group.

Beside her was her deadly nadder who she named 'stormfly'.

Stormfly already had baby dragons, but by now they were teenagers, as you had overheard Hiccup and Astrid speaking about it.

You also learned of the several romances going on in Berk.

It's been a while since you were there, as you grew up in Berk but had to cut your stay there short due to frostbite, so you enjoyed learning about what's went on in the past few days.

Hiccup and Astrid were married, which you saw coming when you still lived on Berk way back when.

Fishlegs and Ruffnut were also married, which was something you found extremely odd in present times.

They were complete opposites, in the bad way too.

"That wouldn't be such a bad idea, Astrid. But first we've got to figure out their name and who they actually are." Hiccup said, looking to you.

"Better start talking." Eret stated, letting his head cock to the side before straightening it out again.

"Take their helmet off, that's a start." Snotlout said sarcastically, as Hiccup went over to take it off.

Before he could touch you, you took it off yourself and set it off to the side, revealing your actual appearance.

Frostbite snarled as you did this, finding this situation to be extremely distasteful.

You hated this yourself, but you were trying to keep you and your dragon alive, together and healthy.

Not that berkians who loved dragons would start hurting a dragon for a simple identity.

Gobber seemed to have his eyes widen, as he definitely recognized you solely by your eyes and the white streaks in your hair.

You almost forgot that was what most people on Berk used to recognize you by.

It was an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time.

"Y/n?" Gobber said, stepping forward and raising an eyebrow.

Grump looked to his rider in confusion.

Valka did the same as Gobber.

Valka was Hiccup's mother and Stoick's wife, but you assumed the absolute worse as you learnt that Hiccup was chief.

You remembered stories of Valka being taken by dragons when you were younger, but you knew she must've remembered due to those defining features alone.

"Oh, dear." Valka said, looking to frostbite quickly.

"Who?" Snotlout blurted out, Hookfang roaring from beside him in confusion.

They obviously didn't know who you were, and you really couldn't blame them.

They either must've forgot or they've never met or seen you in their life.

You had heard of them on Berk, but you never actually met any of them.

"That's Y/n?" Astrid asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.

Toothless roared in confusion as he went over to Frostbite and roared at him, frostbite looking to toothless and backing up slightly, the muzzle still on his mouth.

"Surprise?" You said, voice getting higher as you slowly pronounced the word.

"Berk thought you were dead!" Fishlegs said.

This meant some did remember you, and you assumed it'd be the ones who were more interested in dragons and berkian history, along with the ones who were simply closer to your family then others.

"It's an extremely long story." You responded, letting your head lean into a tilt as you adjusted yourself a little bit.

"Whose Y/n?" Eret asked.

"Y/n 'ere went missing on Berk a while back!" Gobber said to Eret, rolling his eyes a little for asking him the question.

The situation was now getting extremely good.

Well, that is what it looked like right now, so you hoped you were right about this.

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