☃︎ Chapter 9 ☃︎

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It had been a da since they first unmasked you, and you were currently untied with frostbite.

You had spent all of yesterday simply getting yourself situated on Berk, and today was going to be about you and frostbite actually getting to know the people of Berk again.

It was already midday.

Frostbite was stood beside you and looking at the several dragons near you.

The light fury had became more known to you.

She was apparently the mother of three hatchlings who were a mix of a light fury and night fury, titled the 'nightlights'.

She was Toothless' mate, and used to live in the hidden world.

You heard of the hidden world in the northern market when you went, and apparently it was some sort of sanctuary for dragons.

Most dragons who used to live there now live on Berk, along with the dragons who had never lived there now live on Berk.

Berk was extremely dragon friendly, you've noticed.

The kids were raised with them.

Vikings rode dragons without a problem nowadays.

Even gothi.

You remembered her from way back when, as you used to collect medicine from her on a daily basis for your grandmother and a few other family members.

Sometimes even you, only for the moments where you were actually sick.

Frostbite had already grown slightly closer to some of the other dragons, and other dragons classified as Skullcrusher, light fury, toothless, Meatlug, Cloudjumper and Hookfang.

All the others were also close with him, but maybe not as social.

Others were Grump, Barf And Belch, Stormfly and Fishmeat, which was perfectly fine.

"Why did you go missing on that day?" Hiccup asked, raising an eyebrow.

You looked over at Hiccup as you rubbed at your wrists, as they hurt a little bit from being tied for one day straight and then being untied abruptly.

Frostbite seemed perfectly fine, as the bola was off, along with a few of the other ropes that would prevent him from flying.

He was perfectly unbothered by it.

The Snow Wraith mainly stayed close to you, as your dragon still wasn't the most keen on this island.

"Were you taken by frostbite?" Astrid asked, tilting her head a little bit.

"I found frostbite a few months before I went missing on old Berk." You told them, walking backwards.

You, Astrid, Hiccup and Valka were walking through Berk towards where your new hut would be, and they decided to ask you about what had happened in all those years with frostbite.

Cloudjumper, light fury, Stormfly and toothless were there too, Frostbite walking beside light fury, Stormfly being behind Astrid, toothless beside Hiccup while Cloudjumper was hovering over the rest of you as he walked.

Cloudjumper was one of the bigger dragons on Berk.

"Since berk wasn't so dragon friendly back then, I figured it'd be best for me and frostbite to leave so that we wouldn't have to face any sort of repercussions for me actually training a dragon." You stated, shrugging a little bit.

"Same reason I didn't go back to Berk." Valka added, nodding a little bit as she continued to listen.

Cloudjumper roared in response to her statement.

"Me and Frostbite were on the ocean for days before we found an icy island about north from here, mainly on the edge of the archipelago." You said, shrugging a little bit.

"I remember when we first found Snow Wraiths. Gothi had went with us and told us about them, she got bit by one way back when." Hiccup said, nodding a little bit as Toothless roared at Frostbite happily.

Frostbite roared back at toothless, his teeth were bright white and his tongue was bumpy.

His eyes were a baby blue, and it was obvious he didn't have the best eyesight, same for every other Snow Wraith in existence.

His heat vision helped though, and it was an amazing advantage, but a disadvantage at the same time.

It was better with a rider to help a Snow Wraith see something that was covered.

"It was to unlock the dragon eye, which caused a war between us and the dragon hunters. Specifically viggo grimborn, ryker grimborn, johann and Krogan before we could actually destroy it. All for the bewilderbeast." Astrid said.

Something you also learnt about Astrid and Hiccup was that they actually have kids, a younger boy named Nuffink and an older girl named Zephyr.

Zephyr was exactly like her father with the personality of her mother, and nuffink was like his mother with the personality of his father.

You had heard of it from Gobber and Eret, and apparently zephyr was 6-7 while nuffink was 4-5.

After a few more steps, you turned around a little and saw a hut that had a little bit of snow piled onto the roof, the snow crunching under your boots.

It was winter time for sure.

This hut was near Snotlout's, who had a monstrous nightmare head on it, but of course it was wooden, since you didn't think Berk promoted such things.

"And there's your hut. Frostbite can sleep out back if he'd like better." Valka hummed, Cloudjumper roaring at her before going off to the side and taking off into the sky.

Stormfly roared a little as she watched this happen, toothless looking back at his tail fan and roaring at light fury.

You also learnt that toothless was one tail fan short, and Hiccup was able to make him a prosthetic one a few years back, managing to make him able to fly on his own.

Before that he could barely fly on his own, with the exception for gliding with wind coming.

"Thank you!" You said, Frostbite roaring some sort of goodbye to light fury.

She roared back, before sitting down beside the night fury beside her.

Frostbite and light fury were friendly with each other.

"Tomorrow you can get yourself settled in your hut, since we aren't doing much." Hiccup stated, Astrid already on Stormfly.

You waved to the three of them, and including the dragons it'd be six.

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