☃︎ Chapter 5 ☃︎

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It was the next day, and you and Frostbite had spent all of yesterday either cleaning the cave or just double checking the locations of things so that you didn't have to bring the map with you.

Frostbite was now drinking water out of a bucket in one of the many corners to the glacier, and you were putting your dagger back onto your hip.

You had only taken it out to grab some fish for frostbite without having to use your hands.

You usually only ate mutton or apples, as fish wasn't exactly something you ate on a daily basis.

You got tired of foods quickly.

Frostbite turned around and roared at you, nodding his head at the exit to the cave, roaring once again.

It was the middle of winter.

You already had your armour on, and your helmet was on too, as you wouldn't want to forget it on the desk that you had your map on like last time.

Frostbite wouldn't shut up about that for a good month, even after snoggletog had passed.

After adjusting your armour a little bit, you nodded to frostbite to tell him that you were perfectly ready when he was.

Frostbite roared in response to this, stretching his wings before grabbing a fish out of the barrel, quickly eating it before going over it stand next to you.

His wings flapped, nudging you in the side to wait for you to be done.

"Yeah, Yeah, I know. Stop being so impatient." You said, patting your dragon on the head before rolling up the map and setting it aside.

You managed to memorize where the islands were, but if you forgot, you would just island hop and steal a map from a nearby Viking village to see where you would be going next.

The Strike Class dragon roared from beside you, before lowering its wings to wait for you to get on.

You immediately got onto his back, patting the side of his head before he took off.

Frostbite entered the tunnel that would lead out, and as soon as he entered, he was out rather quickly and into the open.

There was new snow on the ground, and Frostbite immediately plummeted to the ground, making a perfect landing.

He kicked up some snow as he landed, creating footprints.

"Perfect landing!" You said, before hopping off of his back and making footprints of your own.

You usually did this to see if a blizzard would roll in while you and Frostbite were away, and so that if you dropped something you'd know you weren't getting it back.

It was something you and Frostbite liked to do, as it was now a habit of yours.

Frostbite roared, flapping his wings to make small little drag-like marks on the snow beneath him.

"You ready to head to Berk? It's been a while since you've seen Berk, same for me." You said, smiling at your dragon.

Frostbite nodded at you, looking directly at you and using your heat signature to recognize who you were exactly.

Of course, the scales on your armour made it slightly harder, but it was fine for him, as he was used to it by now.

You made the armour back when you and him first landed on this island, as you had gotten bored one day and decided you wanted to match with Frostbite by making your very own Snow Wraith based set of armour.

"I think we're gonna have a fun time going to the Meatheads too, don't you think?" You asked, tilting your head as you looked at your dragon.

It was a given at this point that Frostbite would have fun, as he hasn't been anywhere off the island in forever.

He was already starting to grow restless by Dreadfall.

You looked to the sun, seeing the that it was already in the middle of the sky than when it had risen in the morning.

You dusted off your hands a little before putting them together, looking over at Frostbite as the dragon looked right back at you.

"Let's head to Berk?" You asked him, raising an eyebrow.

Frostbite roared in agreement, out stretching his wings and lowering them slightly to leave room for you to get on.

"We're gonna be in the air for two days at the least until we get to Berk, but we can stop for a little bit if you don't want to be flying for that long." You told your dragon.

Frostbite nodded.

You then swung your leg over his back and got onto it, smiling a little bit as you felt Frostbite immediately take to the skies as soon as he felt you get onto his back and settle yourself there.

You already knew this would be a long fight that would mainly consist of you and Frostbite talking, or frostbite threatening to drop you off of his back if you didn't want to do something with him or if you and him were arguing about something.

As soon as he made it off and above the island he roared happily, going low on the altitude and not flying too high, but still above the water and safe from any passing scauldrons that might want a taste of a snow wraith and a human.

From all the other snow wraiths you had met with Frostbite, you have never known one that enjoys flying high in the skies and into the clouds.

It was fine since you didn't either, but of course, if it came down to a moment where Frostbite and you needed to escape something, the clouds were most likely the best way to go.

It just depended on the situation at this point.

But as a good rider, you'd never force your dragon into doing something that he didn't like unless it was a life or death situation, and even then you'd prefer listening to the creature that can fly and blast things rather than your head.

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