☃︎ Prologue ☃︎

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( feel free to imagine yourself whatever way u want! Although your eyes are grey n you have white streaks )

Today was the day of Snoggletog on berk, though, it wasn't one of the nicest of days on berk due to the snow storm that rolled in and was now terrorizing berk.

You were in the forest, shivering by now, an adolescent dragon at your side was looking around quickly.

Of course, you weren't allowed to be with this dragon at the moment, though it simply felt right to you, as this dragon had been kind to you ever since you met it.

It was a male Snow Wraith, one of the strike class dragons, and you had named him 'Frostbite'.

The name was self explanatory.

Frostbite was your age at the moment, being twelve.

You and Frostbite had planned this day for a good month of two, as you figured Berk would never expect a Snow Wraith to become a Berkian dragon.

Berk hated dragons.

This was why you and Frostbite were leaving, to create a better life.

You've tried to shoo him off in the past, but the chances of that working were low.

Very low.

"Come on, Frostbite! The boat isn't that far away, I'm freezing!" You told him, looking over at the dragon who roared in response.

Snow Wraith's only had thermal vision, hence why Frostbite usually had his eyes in a squint, and moved his head frequently.

Frostbite roared at you as he scuttled across the snow, Several Berkians shouting your name to find you being drowned out in the distance by the wind.

The snow crunched below your feet as you began to pick up the pace a little, tunic doing the bare minimum at warming you up, which was slightly annoying.

You didn't have anything on the boat for you, as there was simply no way to tell if it would even stay on the boat for more than two hours.

Frostbite's tail moved against the snow, creating small lines behind and in the middle of his footprints, which were beside yours.

"Frostbite, they're gonna find us sooner or later, pick up the pace!" You told him, waving him on to follow.

He went over in response, sniffing around slightly before his head could be seen peeking, indicating he smelt something, which was most likely the wood of the boat.

Frostbite then got in front of you, wings flapping a little to tell you to follow.

You continued following the dragon, at a faster pace than before as the snow continued to blow in every direction, along with the freezing wind.

Usually snoggletog wasn't this bad.

You spotted the boat, as you weren't far away from the water, Frostbite already on the boat and roaring at you to hurry.

You got onto the boat, blinking slightly as you took the fact that you were leaving berk in, no longer hearing the shouts of berkians who wanted to find you.

You didn't tell anyone you were leaving, not even your parents, which was why there were berkians searching for you now, assuming you simply got lost.

Your parents must be worried, but at the moment, that was the least of your worries, as there wasn't a point in worrying.

Frostbite ran to you as you hurried to let the sails down, despite the bad weather condition.

Gobber The Belch had taught you how to do this many times before now, and this was when you put it to use so that you could help frostbite and yourself leave berk.

It was almost sad, but you knew this would most likely be for the better of it.

"We have to go off the archipelago, frostbite. We cannot stay anywhere that berk and the rest of the islands are able to find us." You said, frostbite roaring at you in agreement, knowing that it was rather true.

You shooed him away from where you'd be stood the whole time to turn the boat in case of need, while Frostbite immediately scuttled along the already snow-covered boat.

The snow would let up in the morning, and it'd be fine.

Frostbite roared at you to get going, waving his wings as his bright blue eyes looked back at the forest behind the both of you.

You nodded as you turned the boat, beginning to sail away from berk and away from the place you grew up.

This wasn't the best idea, but you knew that if you happened to come across any trouble, the adolescent Snow Wraith you befriended would be able to at least help in defusing the situation when it comes up.

Though, it may not be the best idea to let him do anything that involved big responsibility.

Frostbite rarely ever did something he was asked of, usually when it wasn't urgent at least.

But could you really blame him?

He was a dragon who simply had little to no care in the world, and he knew that he wouldn't really get any repercussions for it.

You weren't one to scold a strike class dragon, let alone one that quite literally was able to see body heat.

It'd be hard to get away from him, if you'd ever try to do such.

"Now all we have to do is find an island for you and I to enjoy together. Preferably one that isn't too cold." You told the smaller dragon.

The Snow Wraith roared at you and tilted his head side to side, not pleased with those words.

"Fine, fine. We can find an island with a large amount of snow to satisfy you and a cave that won't fall down on us." You sighed, knowing that you were never gonna win the argument with the dragon that loved the cold.

Frostbite roared at you again, cocking it's head into a tilt before simply going back to looking at the water beneath the boat.

You wouldn't be surprised if it turned into ice in a good week or two.

Not that you'd be there to see it.

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