Chapter 24.

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Sasha's P.O.V

War does not decide who is right, only who is left.

Seth lunged at the vampire, dark eyes wild, lips draw back to reveal his gleaming fangs. Xavier turned his horse, the butt of his sword slamming into Seth's jaw with a sickening 'crunch'. The to-be Alpha was sent sprawling backwards, momentarily suspended in the air, before hurtling towards the ground. The large black wolf landed with a sickening 'thump.' Air whooshing out of his lungs upon impact.

The group of wolves Seth had landed among were packed around him in a tight circle, their eyes bright with concern. Fear spread through the battle line like ripples spread through water. Quick, with deadly accuracy. Right into their hearts. Shakily, and with great effort, Seth raised himself with his front paws, breathing uneven and heavy. Hind-legs remaining limp on the newly crushed grass. His eyes were wild, feral. Front legs trembling. His ears pressed back against his skull as he hoisted himself back to his paws, rage and anger pouring off of him in wave after choking wave. The small group that surrounded his larger black form shed away, their wolves wary and uneasy of the Alpha's anger.

Xavier gave the to-be Alpha a bored stare, cold silver eyes unimpressed, before returning his steady gaze back to Jay. Xavier was not a comely man, nor was he hard to look at. Pale, lifeless skin displayed the nature of his species. So pale, in fact you could see the spider webbing's of veins and blood vessels beneath. Tightly corded muscles rippled. Hair black as pitch fell upon his brow, shading eyes of liquid silver. His cheekbones were high and stood out prominently, giving him an almost alien look. Thin lips sat above his sharp jaw.

Without warning Xavier reared his horse and pulled his sword from its scabbard. Narok, I knew at once, and cursed the goddess. Jay yelped and leapt backwards as the sword descended upon him. Forward! Forward! Edmure cried.

Time seemed to still as the pack lurched forward, moving as one. The men upon horseback reared their mounts and charged, war cries flying from their lips. I was the first to hit the oncoming wave, leaping bodily onto a rider and tearing him from his horse. The animal gave a startled shriek and and galloped on, lost and riderless. Stunned, the man flailed about, trying to reach the dagger in his sword-belt. I gave him no time as I lashed for his wrist. His armor cut my gums and brought blood to my mouth, but in his distress his helm was thrown from his head. Leaving his fear crazed face defenseless. A mailed fist sailed into my muzzle, throwing me backwards with a howl of pain. The man was on his feet with a sword in hand, breathing heavily. Recovering, I charged once more. All around steel sang and wolf and men alike screamed. The sword slashed towards me, but I twisted away and launched myself skyward. Teeth locked around the soft flesh of his throat, my weight forced us to the ground. The air was jarred from my lungs as his mailed fist slammed my ribs time and time again, but I refused to let go. Blood pooled in my mouth, tainting my tongue red. Life drained from the man, and he finally stopped struggling. Adrenaline raced through my blood, and I forced myself on.

If hell could ever truly be described, it would've been right then.

Men and wolf alike littered the ground in death, blood splattered and screams rang. Horses ran about and died, their screams sounding nearly human. Swords sang their deadly song, the men carrying them weaving them about like great steel snakes. RavenPeak was being driven back at an alarming rate, and Brittany was nowhere in sight. In the center of the throng, Jay and Xavier danced to the song of steel. Still ahorse, Xavier held too much ground for Jay to attack openly, so he taunted the horse, snapping at its legs and haunch, driving the animal near madness. This went on for what felt like lifetimes, unable to look away, I prayed desperately for Jay. Finally, the horse reared and threw Xavier as if he weighed no more than a sack of flour. Jay rushed forward with a vengeance, only to be fought off by glimmering steel.

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