Western group chat part nine Holiday part

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Idaho : all of DJ's Christmas presents are hidden

California: sweet thanks dude

Idaho : no problem

Coco: I can't wait to see what her mom got her this year

Cal: most popular girl, toys guarantee it

Monty : says the guy who bought her all the Trolls movie toys because you knew she loved it when we went to see it
Cal: if Floyd is her sexual awakening, who I keep that for her

Hawaii : Floyd was the best character

Alaska : Poppy was less annoying in this movie

Utah : how did you get the new movie toys yet? They're not even out yet.
Cal have connections also, I'm getting paid to test out the toys with my daughter

Monty : yeah, we also have to get videos of her playing with the toys. Also, we bought the digital addition on prime and spent all the money even though we could've waited but no we did we bought it anyways because we love her.

NM: she's going to love all her presents

Ari: yes, well, not all of them, pretty sure GOV got her socks

Cal: I told everyone not to get her socks, until she cannot understand that socks are important

Idaho: since what does the government listen to anything that we say and you're right children shouldn't get socks for Christmas until she understand it socks are important

Montana : meanwhile, explain to
me how New York keeps his entire house clean last time I was over there the floors looked like they've just been waxed

Colorado: after his butler, retired New York, started cleaning having the kids clean the house, but he waxes the floors

Nevada: it's true I've watched him do itv

Montana:ew Last time I actually talked to him he said he was looking for a butler

Coco: I told him to replace his Butler after the Butler retired, but no, he didn't do it

Cal: Yeah, and he's been trying to tell Gov to get a butler for the state house in a way I understand why he thinks that we should have one. I mean he lives in a mansion where there's enough rooms that I'm pretty sure you would need a butler to clean them all And we live in a mansion where we all mostly take up most of the rooms so we can all do our part to clean up the house meanwhile he has about 14 people living in the house, so yeah maybe he does need a butler.

Nevada: yeah, I live like 52 people living in this house I understand why we don't need a butler, but I also live with New York part time so

Utah:  I thought you moved in with New York, and Georgia

Nevada: not yet

Couple days later after Christmas

Cal: I can't wait until DJ goes back to school

Montana : me too

Nevada : I can't wait until the kids go back to school. Of course NYC is going to be home for a while.

Montana : why?
Nevada : semester break he goes back on the 22nd

NM: wow I'm so good I don't have kids

Colorado : that's a good place to end this

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