New York and Georgia break up AU

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This is there alternate universe. I'm still in love with the ship. Also, only three out of the four corners are dating in this.

Arizona, Arizona was the reason for their whole relationship the reason why they had to tell their families so early in their relationship. He guesses that they really didn't have a choice with the amount of people that were meddling in his relationship. Now that he's thinking back on it was he ever really happy?

New York is on his way home from Greece where him and Georgia just broke up. He sat there on a plane thinking about the past eight months. why did he have to say he had a crush on someone? He asked himself. The truth is he did love Georgia with all his heart, but Georgia is right the relationship with sort of rushed. So he was on his way home to his kids where he can spend the rest of the summer with him. before he got on the plane, he sent a text to New Mexico saying he can keep Rosie the horse. He also texted NYC to tell him and the rest of the kids to pack up and go back to their house

New York hated himself for believing that this one was it that Georgia would be the person that he went to spend the rest of eternity with. Tears rolling down his cheeks as he takes a sip of the alcohol that's a flight attendant poured him

Hours later, when the plane lands in New York. New York got off the plane. He went to the baggage claim when he saw NYC. " Dad what happened?" the teenager said concerned. New York didn't say anything he just stared at his son, or tears streaming down his face. Suddenly NYC is hugging his father. " I'm sorry pops let's go home." New York City said grabbing his dad's bags and his father's hand leading him to the car.

When they get to their house in Albany

New York went to his room, unpacked his stuff, and threw away the stuff beaver from their first date. He went to his dresser and he grabbed his wedding ring, and Rachel's engagement ring." oh Rachel how can I be so stupid no one can love me as much as you did" New York said, clinging to his wedding ring. Then he went to his bed, still holding the rings, and continued crying.

In the kitchen

" what's wrong with Dad?" Long Island asked his twin brother
" Georgia, and him broke up" NYC said sadly " what are we gonna do?" long island asked looking to his older brother for solution " I don't think there's anything we can do but give him space which means you and I aren't in charge until dad is feeling better" New York City, said Syracuse and Rochester were the living room and they overheard their brothers talking. And of course the youngest to have questions for oldest two siblings " Nicky, Long Island is daddy going to be okay?" Syracuse asked NYC didn't know what to tell his baby sister. So he gestured for her to come over to him "daddy just needs time" NYC said picking up his little sister and putting her on the counter. " can I hug him" she asked, wanting to make her dad happy again.

New York City was just about to say something when Albany came in." That might work. I just got off the phone with Atlanta I can't believe they broke up. They were so happy. How can this happen?" Albany asked to no one in particular.

While her older siblings were distracted Syracuse decided to go up to her father's room  " daddy it's me, Syra can I come in?" Syracuse asking waiting for an answer.

Back in the kitchen

Buffalo realize Syracuse is missing " guys. I think Syracuse went upstairs." buffalo said NYC immediately ran upstairs to get his to get his baby sister

Upstairs with NYC and Syracuse

" Syracuse please let's give Dad some space " he said

" but I want daddy to be happy" she said, pouting

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