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shadows_darkside requested this
This might be short Sorry if there's not that much dialogue.

Organ bought coffee and then headed to the meeting and immediately everyone started complaining"Oh, you get yourself some coffee but you don't bring us coffee"California and Washington see you at the same time then the northeast started grumbling about it. Soon and ended up with the whole country. Grumbling about how Oregon bring them coffee guv was visibly upset so Morgan popped out and went to everyone's favorite coffee shops to bring back coffee, Starbucks for California and Washington Dunkin for the entire Northeast, and a random Southern coffee shop in the south and also a random Midwestern coffee shop for the Midwest he also brought other western states, favorite coffee from a random coffee shop that the majority of the west likes he brings it all to the table in Teleports back"OK here you guys go hear some coffee"Oregon said then the yelling stopped, and everyone noticed that he brought them coffee so the meeting continued everyone thanked him for bringing coffee

The end sorry this is so sure I might come back and fix it and make it better but right now this is what you get

State house head cannons and one shot Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt