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Colorado has known Syracuse the longest out of New York's kids here's why

After Rachel died, New York would bring Syracuse to meetings because she did not want to leave his side. Colorado was a young, almost state, and he would go to these meetings, and because he didn't really have much to do. He would play with Syracuse in a corner in the meeting room

Of course Colorado doesn't really remember this
But he does feel some kind of connection to Syracuse

And Syracuse is Colorado's favorite out of New York kids because he's known her the longest and that's fair
Rochester also did not want to leave his father side after his mother died so when he was in the meeting, he would just sit on Louisiana's lap and cuddle with him. Louisiana is his godfather and he's also Syracuse is godfather because they're twins

But he does Colorado does have a relationship with all of New York's kids, and he knows the NYC was put on a pedestal as a child because the world has decided NYC is the greatest city in the world

He doesn't like it to NYC. He was put on a pedestal, but he lives with it because he kind of has to.

If New York knows that there's something up with one of his kids and they won't tell him what's going on if they're like acting up or something he'll send Colorado to find out what's going on
One time, Buffalo accidentally called Colorado, uncle, Colorado, and Coco was actually completely fine with it

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