Now that Mingyu thought about it, he hadn't slept for days. Even when he lay on his bed, only his eyes were closed but his thoughts were all over the place. He knew how comfortable his warm bed and soft blankets were, but he didn't enjoy them. Dokyeom's words were exactly what he needed, maybe it would be okay to rest for a while.

Unfortunately it was Dokyeom's suggestion that needed to be postponed, because the long-awaited guest finally arrived. Seungcheol had returned to Mingyu's palace after showing the new chief minister--Yoon Jeonghan--around.

"My deepest apologies for being late." Seungcheol said while lowering his head towards Mingyu.

"Your Majesty." Called the person next to Seungcheol.

Mingyu's eyes finally met Jeonghan's.

"I believe you're the new chief minister." Mingyu straightened his back in his chair while looking at Jeonghan from head to toe, not in a disdainful way, "I have to say, I didn't expect you to be this young, based on the accomplishments I read about you."

"I shall take it as a compliment. I am an overachiever after all." Jeonghan smiled.

Mingyu's fingers on the surface of the table made a soft dribbling sound while the others waited for him to continue his words. The room was quiet, a little awkward as only the gentle breeze could be heard.

"I'm aware you're here to help me with the things going on around the palace. However, please note that I do not tolerate anything being done without my consent." Mingyu emphasized his tone on some words, "Especially my aides."

Jeonghan lowered his head obediently, "I will keep that in my mind."

Then silence took over, again. Being the talkative person he is, Dokyeom unable to stand the awkwardness any longer. He began to secretly look back and forth at Jisoo and Seungcheol, his eyes asking what they should do. Mingyu clearly wasn't interested in continuing the conversation while Jeonghan didn't seem like he was leaving any time soon.

"...What?" Seungcheol mouthed to Dokyeom. He then nodded his chin to the other direction, making Dokyeom turned his gazes to Jisoo--who was already looking at the two of them with such a brow raised.

"Lord have mercy." Jisoo murmured in his sigh, almost forgetting that his two friends were very skilled in using swords but not really good at initiating words.

Jisoo looked Jeonghan straight in the eyes, taking in his facial features in less than a second. Based on his guess, he assumed they were the same age. He had to agree with Mingyu, he didn't expect such a young person to be the chief minister too. Jisoo thinks it is a great addition to the palace to have someone as intelligent as him.

"Forgive my intrusion, Chief Minister Yoon." Jisoo finally said, from the corner of his eyes he could see Dokyeom's shoulders finally loosened, "If there's nothing more you would like to discuss with His Majesty, we shall let His Majesty rest now."

"Ah." Jeonghan blinked twice, "I'm sorry I was too....mesmerized by the beauty of this room I lost in my own thoughts." He continued after trying to find the word to express himself.

Seungcheol blinked in slight confusion when Jeonghan put a hand on his back, he took a step forward when he felt a gentle push.

"I just have two things I want to talk to everyone here about." Everyone's attention turned to Seungcheol when Jeonghan turned to the confused Commander, "Firstly, as we know the General position is vacant right now. So I encourage Commander Choi to fill that position."

"I beg you a pardon?" Seungcheol responded almost immediately. Even though he knew his skills in fighting were above average, he didn't feel worthy enough to fill that position. Especially after what happened.

The ThroneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant