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The sun had not yet fully risen when the commotion filled the training hall in the palace

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The sun had not yet fully risen when the commotion filled the training hall in the palace. The cheers of the gallant soldiers as well as the clashing of steels filled the air as the two soldiers engaged in a tense duel.

Both of them didn't even use the dummy weapons that soldiers generally use to train. In fact, they were using weapons that had just been sharpened by the royal blacksmith. Even so, they look relaxed, not afraid of getting hurt. The more tense they get, the wider the grins they got on their faces.

Seungcheol skillfully thrusts his sword forward in quick movements as Soon-young deftly parried every attack thrown his way. Soon-young then knocked Seungcheol's sword with the shaft of his spear, then swiftly swing the blade forward only to feint, less than one second later he twists his body a hundred eighty degrees sending Seungcheol backward with a jumping kick.

When Seungcheol accidentally tripped on his feet, he easily throw his body backward into a backflip. Soon-young took the chance to charge forward. Their movements were almost too fast for anyone to watch, both were fast, both didn't give their opponent time to blink.

The duel ends with Seungcheol standing behind Soon-young with his sword right at his opponent's throat, and the tip of Soon-young's spear facing back right before where Seungcheol's heart is.

"It's a tie--"

Soonyoung's booming voice easily overpowers yours. Ending in a draw against Seungcheol is a new achievement for him, it meant he was one step closer to achieving his dream of defeating the respected Commander one day. It's not surprising that Soon-young immediately ran here and there, screaming with joy.

"I didn't expect him to be this fast now." Seungcheol walked over to you with a groan while putting his sword away.

"I guess one year journey outside have more impact than repetitive practice routine for him." You replied with a cheeky grin, somehow feeling proud that someone from your squad could make the famous Commander Choi feel uneasy.

"NOW THAT--" Soon-young stood proudly with a hand holding his spear and the other one right on his hip, "--is how you fight with a spear."

With the Crown Prince's approval, Seungcheol decides to appoint the first hundred soldiers to be trained by Soon-young, especially those with high agility. You were supposed to be the one to train them, but since Soon-young's skill isn't something many people have, you let him take over.

"I think you're going to need more than that." You mumbled to Seungcheol as you walked pass him, about to head out for a walk around the palace.

You're talking about the prepared bladeless spear that would be used in training. Seungcheol was about to ask the meaning of your words when suddenly he heard a loud crack coming from the spear that had just been broken in half after taking one blow from Soon-young.

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