Chapter 21

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Alex was demented. Not only was she trapped in a car for hours with the two brooding vampires, they were now stopping off at a hotel for a break from the driving. Klaus, of course, went all out and compelled the large penthouse which contained different rooms for different people. Stefan immediately made his way into a room whilst Alex located the paid for mini fridge.

"Why do you drink when you know you cant get drunk?" Klaus asks the girl as she stand up and downs one of the minatures.

"Still makes me feel like it. I just need to live in denial for a little bit." Alex responds, watching as Klaus takes a seat at the table in the main area. She joined him, sitting opposite. "Where are we headed now, again?"

"Chicago." Klaus tells her and she nods her head slowly as she processed the information. "Theres a witch who owes me a favour."

Alex let's out a laugh. "I'm sure plenty of people owe you a favour."

"There is." Klaus agrees, a silence looming over them unable to find something to discuss as they have spent the full time disagreeing than agreeing. "I'm surprised you've not contacted anyone since we've been here, you've had plenty of opportunity."

"Don't have any numbers; wouldn't know who to contact." Alex simply responds.

"What about the family you travelled back home to? Katerina said you left in quite a rush." Klaus responds and Alex hesitates her answer.

"Someone in my pack got hurt, there was a Deadpool and I stayed to help take it down." Alex vaguely responds.

"That doesn't explain why you don't have anyone to contact."

"Something... happened." She relents, she hadn't told anyone about what happened and something tells her Klaus would be less judgemental than the Salvatores would be. Klaus doesn't say anything in response to her statement as he waits for her to continue. "The person who set up the Deadpool had an ulterior motive. He wanted to take the alpha status from us, use it for his 'families power'."

"Us?" Klaus questions.

"Me and Scott. We're both Alphas." Alex explains, not telling him that he's also a true alpha. "We were both turned by him, he thought we weren't worthy and he attacked us. Scott done well but he doesn't believe in the whole killing to win thing, but with Peter it was the only way. He knocked Scott out of the way and I rushed to Peter, put my hand on his heart. I was ready to rip it out but I knew I couldn't. Not in front of them."

"They've cast you out." Klaus nods along to the story. "What happened to this Peter?"

"He's locked away in an insane Asylum." Alex tells him. "My phone broke when I was away and I've just not bothered to get let them know because I know they wouldn't contact me. They looked at me like I was some monster but I was protecting them."

"So you're saying that they've never killed anyone?" Klaus wonders, absolutely incredulous at how they could have went so far without that happening.

"Someone else always done it first." Alex tells him. "We killed Peter first, obviously he came back to life but that's a different story. My brother threw a Molotov cocktail off him, I managed to get him cornered but Derek killed him. Then we had a Kanima, Peter and Derek killed him but he came back to life as a werewolf. Gerard, I fed him mountain ash and got derek to bite him, he is now rotting away dying. Alpha pack: Deucalion killed Ennis, the darach killed Kali and Deucalion killed the darach. Nogitsune, we managed to separate from the host and then the Deadpool I've already told you."

"They are naive to think things are that easy." Klaus advises. "People who are involved in the supernatural need to kill to survive. It's kill or be killed. Especially for your true alpha friend."

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