Chapter 15

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Alex was safely back in her house, enjoying a nice nap after being kidnapped. Rather content if she was being honest, the past few days had been rough and she just wanted a small break from everything. An opportunity to catch up on missed sleep, as well as missed work. She was falling back into bad habits and that's not something that she likes.

Luckily, Alaric understood and was fine when she wanted the day off to catch up with all of her missed work. Although she was quite smart and didn't really have to do any of this, she liked the routine. She was almost finished her work when there was a knock at her door. She pauses and realises who it is. It's Elijah. She stands from the table and opens the front door of the apartment.

"I thought it was about time we talked." Elijah tells Alex, and she nods her head.

"Yeah, I think we should." She agrees, pausing as she looks at the entry way to the house. She didn't want to invite him in. It wasn't her house, it was Ric's and thats what mattered.

"I understand your hesitation, Aleksandra." Elijah responds with a small smile. "How about a walk?" Alex looks up at him and nods, grabbing her keys and her phone as she leaves the apartment with the Original. The pair walked in silence for a while, heading to the park and stopping at the trees. 

"Stefan will be jealous." She silently mutters under her breath with a chuckle, breaking the silence between them as Elijah looks down to her. "He was one of the vampires."

"The Salvatore Brothers?" Elijah wonders.

"Stefan and Damon. Both pursued Katherine and are now doing the same with Elena." Alex says, filling in the gaps to his knowledge. "I didn't think they would kill you." She says sincerely. "They're more of a kill now, ask questions later kinda pair."

"And you associate yourself with them?" He asks with a slight attitude iin his tone.

"I try not to." Alex laughs. "I care about Ric and Damon, I sympathise for Caroline. But the others I don't really have a connection with. I'm still upset with Elena and Bonnie after the founders fiasco."

"Founders fiasco?" Elijah wonders.

"There was this device which sent out a high-pitched ringing sound to every vampire, but it also affected the werewolves. Bonnie said she de-spelled it, but she didn't. Damon and I got trapped in a basement that was on fire. I had to save both of us because the vervain didn't affect me." Alex simply explains. "But, I'm not one to hold grudges."

"You stood up against me for Elena, that doesn't strike me as someone who doesn't like her." Elijah remarks.

"Just because i don't like her doesn't mean I condemn her to death." Alex counters. "She can't help the fact that she's a doppelganger and that every species is hunting her down to break the curse."

"How much are you aware of the curse?"

Alex sighs as she continues walking down the path, debating on revealing everything to the man. Sure, they slept together but that doesn't mean that she trusts him. "I know she needs to die, as does a werewolf and a vampire."

"You don't want to break the curse for yourself?" Elijah asks.

"Why would I?" Alex scoffs. "I'm not 'beholding to the moon'." She states with air quotes. "still don't quite understand that, Dukes notes were quite vague."

"You'll be safe from Klaus, Alex." Elijah reveals. "Especially if he finds out that you're a true alpha. You'll be the safest person in all of Mystic Falls."

"How do you know that?" Alex asks, now getting her own questions out of her system. "There's a reason why you didn't take Elena straight to him, something tells me you've not been in contact for a while."

bad idea, right? (Elijah Mikaelson)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें