Chapter 3

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Alex heads to school with Alaric early in the morning, deciding they're going to discuss what has happened in the past few days.

"You killed a Vampire?" Alex questions in disbelief.

"You threatened the Mayor?" Alaric asks in the same tone.

"He was being a dick, of course I did." She responds, not willing to take his shit. "Whats that?" She wonders, being nosey at the things on his desk, the title vampires standing out.

"Jeremy Gilberts make up essay." He tells the girls, who eagerly reads through its materials.

"God, hes just closer and closer to finding out the truth, I'd be surprised if he didn't." Alex mutters to him and he nods.

"You said that their full gang knows?" Alaric wonders.

"Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, Damon. That's all I know about so far. They definitely know. Theres something with Caroline as well. I think she doesn't know but a lot has happened to her."  Alex looks up from the essay and highlights a footnote. "Johnathan Gilbert, that's got to be a personal journal. Get him to give it to you."

"Will do boss." He smirks as the girl stands up and begins to leave, her phone ringing in the process. She instantly picks up and walks out of the room.

"What do you mean other types of wolves?" The voice of Deucalion asks over the phone.

"Its weird, it's like I can smell it but it hasn't reached it potential yet." Alex rants but keeps her voice down in case there were vampires near by.

"Yes, there is. Theres a strand that's genetic. They can only activate it after taking a human life, accidental or not. That may be what you can sense. They turn into an actual wolf on a full moon and have enhanced senses like us, but they cant control it. They cant stop it."Deucalion explains and Alex lets out a groan.

"So that explains why his dad was the same." Alex mutters.

"I have a copy of a book, I'll send it to you. Its like a beastiary of the rest of the world." Deucalion explains.

"Thank you." Alex smiles at the gracious act.

"It's not a problem Alex, I said I owed you." Deucalion responds. "Now what are you doing outside of Beacon Hills?"

"I am in Mystic Falls." She responds with a chuckle but it quietens when she realises the silence. "Deuc.."

"Be careful, Stilinski." He stresses and She reassures him that she'll be okay before he hangs up the phone.


Alex had a read through the book that Deucalion had sent her, the digital copy was written in archaic Latin once more, something that she was sick of reading. She learnt regular latin of course, but with the Argent Beastiary, she had to learn how to adapt. She began slowly translating the book, learning different things from werewolves, witches and vampires. All of the different kinds that are spread across the world. Their were records of withches who didn't have their own magice, wolves who were cursed and had to activate that side of them and then vampires.

One note in particular took her interest. The Originals. There was a lot of in depth notes on the group, or should she say family, most recent entries in English, meaning that she didn't have to translate. It was almost as if Deucalion knew one of them bevause the information that is written in this book is too in depth for someone who was researching them. Through this, she learnt about the sun and the moon curse, increasing her knowledge of the doppelgangers which makes her wonder how long it will take until those problems will arrive to Mystic Falls.

bad idea, right? (Elijah Mikaelson)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin